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Jounetsu  //Kinki Kids

With the new addition of Pharaonic Guardian which has Newdoria and Dark Jeroid, fiend decks have a much powered boost but even without those guys, fiend decks with Necrofear, Ha Des, Masked Beast are already a force to be reckoned with. Legacy of Darkness had Yata and Dark Ruler while Labryinth of Nightmare had Necrofear and Masked Beast. This tip is for people that wanna make fiend decks. By the way Dark Jeoroid is Ok only in a fiend deck but Newdoria is a bad card in any deck.

Like I said before in the Contructing a beatdown deck, the ratio of the monsters and magic and trap cards have to be close to 1:1. Therefore a deck with 18-21 monsters and 18-21 magic and traps is just the perfect amount for any deck. Also, the total amount of cards in your deck should not go over 45. Every deck would be more perfect with less cards. 40 is just the right amount for any deck. Here it goes.......
Explanations for why the card is there is listed at the bottom. Here;s just an exampla of a perfect fiend deck. I 'll love doing this as fiends are my favorite kind of monster. Please enjoy................................

Fiend Deck:

Monsters: 20
Dark Necrofearx2
Dark Ruler Ha Des
Bazoo the Soul Eaterx2
Injection Fairy Lily
Exiled Force
Fiber Jar
Witch of the Black Forest
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyerx3
Gemini Elf
Goblin Attack Force
Dark Jeroid

Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Change of Heart
Pot of Greed
Harpies Feather Duster
Swords of Revealing Light
United We Stand
Mage Power
Heavy Storm
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Nobleman of Crossout

Ring of Destruction
Imperial Order
Magic Cylinder
Mirror Force
Call of the Haunted
Rope of Life


Dark Necrofear: A fiend deck. Duh. I mean a free Snatch Steal and a special summon. You can't possibly pass this card up. I love this card but it's only at it's maximum power when it's in a deck that's based around this or either in a fiend deck and that's what this is so it fits right in. ^0^.

Dark Ruler Ha Des: The ability to negate those Witches and Sangans and those annoying flip effects is just like....WOW. With its 2450 attack power it can even knock down a Jinzo!!!!

Jinzo: Staple in any deck.

Opticlops: 1800 attack 1700 defense. You can set it first turn and if your opponent attack with a Sangan, that's so cool. I like this that the fact that it can defend and attack. There're not many cards these days that can do that as strong monsters always have low defense power. It also serves the Dark Ruler Ha Des and its a fiend!!

Bazoo the Soul Eater: This is mostly a fiend beatdown so this kinda fits in the theme..........

Gemini Elf: Read Above

Goblin Attack Force: Read above

Injection Fairy Lily: Read above. Easy game finisher.

Dark Jeroid: I've dueled this guy that uses this and it destroyed my Parshath with its effect 2 times in 3 duels. It seems pretty useful and it's a fiend. Try it out if it doesn't work then switch in whatever you want but it has to be a fiend type monster.

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer: Even with the 1800 attack power it's great and it can also be searched by Witch. The ability to negate your OPPONENT'S Skull Lair or Bazoo is incredible too.

Witch of the Black Forest: Search for almost any monster in this deck.

Sangan: Fiend. Good for searching. Plain good.

Fiber Jar: I've seen tons of people use it and it's helped a lot and hopefully it'll serve you correctly and well.

Yata-Garasu: The monster that I most want....(I'm drooling)aaaaaaaahhhhhhh.....

Exiled Force: Hey it's good in any deck.

Just read the Constructing a Beatdown for the magic as well as the trap section as it has the same cards.

Well I hope you enjoy these guides I'll make a Machine guide, Light, Clown, Warrior, Exodia, Hand Depletion, and a Fisherman guide during the next few days. 2 more weeks of pleasure........ only 2 weeks.......*sigh*Well I can't wait for school*sarcastic tone*. Hope you enjoyed this. Ta-ta for now!!!!!!!

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