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Jounetsu  //Kinki Kids

PSV Commons:

Useless Traps: Gamble, Time Seal, Gift of the Mystical Elf, The Eye of Truth, Eartshaker, Armored Glass, Metal Detector, Gust, Solomon's Lawbook, Mystic Probe, World Suppression, Numinous Healer, Attack and Recieve, Enchanted Javelin, DNA Surgery, Respect Play, Regulation of the Tribe, Major Riot, Solemn Wishes, Shadow of Eyes, Minor Goblin Official, Type Zero Magic Crush, and Infinite Dismissal:
Normal and Continuous Trap Card
Effect: Not worth telling and wasting my time.
The only playable ones in thsi huge pile of traps are Shadow of Eyes, Enchanted Javelin, Solemn Wishes, and Minor Goblin Official, and even these cards are played mostly in side decks!

Insect Barrier:
Continuous Magic Card
Effect: All of your opponent's Insect type monsters cannot attack as long as this remains on the field face up.
Who runs a Insect deck anyway? Perhaps this card will see play in side decks later when a set that's dedicated to insects is out but otherwise, the strongest bug right now is Great Moth, and who plays him?

4-Starred Ladybug of Doom:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: FLIP: Destroy all monsters who are level 4 on your opponent's side of the field.
What a great card to counter all those beatdowns! I just use it in my side deck cause it's that good!

Bite Shoes:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: FLIP: Switch the position of 1 monster on the field.
Thsi card will never see play though it's not bad as a stall card. But nevertheless, it's not good.

Drill Bug:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: When this card inflicts battle Damage to your opponent, You may search for 1 Parasite Parachide from your deck, shuffle the deck, then put it on the top of your deck.
Hey wouldn't it be cool if you make a parasite burn deck? E-gad!! lol. Who plays Parasite? Only NOOBS!!!! So this card is for NOOBS!

Sword Hunter:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: When this card destroys a monster, the monster is equiped to Sword Hunter. The equiped monster increases this monster's attack power by 200 points.
Absolute utter crap. The most attack power this card will have is around 2650 before it's destroyed by a Cyber Jar, Fiber Jar, or even a Fissure.

Bombardment Beetle:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: FLIP: Flip one face down monster face up. If it is an effect monster, destroy it without activating its effect. If it is not, return it to face down defense postion.
Of course, thsi card is pretty OK for a common card, but stick with Crossouts, and even TTTD is better.

Invitation to a Dark Sleep:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: When this card is summoned(including special summon)select one of your opponent's monsters. As long as this card remains face up on the field, the selected monster cannot attack.
Who'd be crazy enough to play this card? I mean 1400 ATK, 1800 DEF, 1 Tribute, as long as this card remains on the field. I mean, even a weak monster can defeat this guy.

Deepsea Soldier:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: If the field card Umi is on the field, this card is unaffected by Umi.
One thing before I review some people make mistakes when they put The Legendary Ocean or Umi out then put The Legendary Fisherman. It does not get a power boost since the effect of it says it is not effected by magic so it stays at 1850 attack power. Same goes with Deepsea Soldier. Even a Mechanical Chaser may destroy this card!

Ground Collapse:
Normal Magic Card

Effect: Choose 2 of your opponent monster zones. The selected 2 cannot be used as long as this card remains on the field face up. Zones that are already occupied by a monster cannot be selected.
A simple MST or Imperial order can destroy this thing. People have decks based around this card, but with Feather Duster all over and 14 sets out already(counting starter decks and TP's.)why bother?

Insect Imitation:
Normal Magic Card
Effect: Offer 1 monster on your side of the field as a tribute. Select 1 insect type monster from your deck that is 1 level higher than the tributed monster and special summon it in face up attack or face down defense. Deck is then shuffled.
When stronger insects come out, this card will kick so much butt that not even a math expert can count how many butts this card kicks(even I didn't understand that). This card is so underrated when the time comes...

Rain of Mercy:
Normal Magic Card
Effect: Both players gain 1000 life points.
Of course, you can use this in A Bad Reaction to Simochi deck or you may use this when you're losing but still, this card doesn't do much.

Cold Wave:
Normal Magic Card
Effect: This card can only be activated during main phase 1. Neither players can set cards until your next turn.
Basically both players can't set card until your next turn. I much prefer Timidity, which allows you to activate it anytime.

Burning Land:
Continuous Magic Card
Effect: Destroy all field magic cards on the field. Also, each player takes 500 life point damage during each of their standby phases.
Even though this card is for burns, burns should not use this. Sucks.

Bubonic Vermin:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: FLIP: You may take 1 Bubonic Vermin and specil summon it in face down position on your side of the field.
So cute!!!!! I prefer this than Troop Dragon since this thing doesn't have to be sent to the grave and it has 200 more attack power. What more can you ask from a hamster?

Normal Effect Monster
Effect: When the monster that attacks this in face down defense, the attacking monster is equipped with this card. Treat this card as an equip magic to the attacking monster. During each of your opponent's standby phase, increase your life points by half of the attack points of the equiped monster.
Pretty good card. You'll gain around 900 points each turn. If you're rumning a stall, maybe you can use thsi for gaining life.

7 Completed:
Equip Magic Card
Effect: This card can only be equipped on a machine type monster. Choose attack or defense. Then increase the what you chose point's by 700.
I much prefer Nuzzler since it can equip to any monster. Machine decks have to have some other monsters other than machines, right?

Continuous Magic Card
Effect: During you opponent's standby phase, you may randomly choose one card in their hand and look at it at the cost of 500 points each card.
Use Confiscation or the Forceful Sentry. 500 points for a peek is not worth it.

PSV Rares and Foils

Fiend Megacyber:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: If your opponent has 2 more monsters than you do you may summon this without offering tributes.
I agree with people that say, " If your opponent has 2 more monsters then you're probably losing." That's correct and also, 2200 attack will not help you at all, I'm pretty sure.

Normal Effect Monster
Effect: As long as this card remains face up on the field, negate all effects of Trap Cards.
2400 attack and no trap hole is just groovy!!! Especially needed in a beatdown.

Parasite Paracide:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: Not worth explaning but basically put in your opponent's deck and when your opponent draws it it's special summoned in face up defense and inflicts 1000 life points. All monsters on your opponent's side of the field is treated as insect types.
I'm pretty sure everyone sick of hearing the Insect Barrier combo... any way this card is good for only 2 things. Skiping your opponent's draw phase(since they draw Parasite) and they lose 1000 life. That's it so this sucks.

Chain Destruction:
Normal Trap Card
Effect: You can only activate this card when a monster with an attack of 2000 or less is summoned (including Special Summon). The monster is not destroyed, but all monsters of the same name in the the summonong player's hand and deck is destroyed. The summoning player's deck is then shuffled.
Useful in a Dark Necrofear but otherwise, you can use this against guys with 3 Kycoos and Geminis. I personally will only use this in a side deck.

Normal Trap Card
Effect: You can take 1 magic card from your opponent's grave. If it is your turn and you activate it, you take 2000 points of damage. If it is your opponent's turn, the magic cannot be activated. The magic card is returned to your opponent's grave at the end of your turn.
2000 points for a measly magic card is totally not worth it. It only happens when you're in a Yata Lock and use it to get Graceful Charity or Pot. Or you may use this to finish the game but 2000 points is too much.

Beast of Talwar:
2400 attack and 2150 defense. Level 6. 2400 ATK 2150 DEF, Summoned Skull is better than this!!! It should be a super Rare like Luster Dragon!!!

Goblin Attack Force:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: This card is switched to defense mode once it attacks. The position cannot be changed next turn.
Of course, 2300 attack power for a 4 star guy is incredible but the drawback really really hurts.....

Gearfried the Iron Knight:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: Any equip card equipped to this is immediately destroyed.
Might as well be a rare. How much of a chance is there that your opponent uses Snatch on this?? Still a beatstick since the 1800 attack is pretty good.

Imperial Order:
Continuous Trap Card

Effect: As long as this card reamins face up on the field, negate all effects of magic cards. You must pay 700 life points during each of your standby phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.
This card is number 3 or 4 on the top 10 traps list. It earns the spot because 700 life points is not much. It's a free Magic Jammer if you don't pay!

Limiter Removal:
Quick-Play Magic Card
Effect: Double the ATK of all machine types on your side of the field. The machines are destroyed at the end of your turn.
Staple in machine decks. This card is an easy game finisher or you can counter aginst an attack. That's cause it's a quick-play!!!

Fairy Meteor Crush:
Equip Magic Card
Effect: When your monster that is equipped with this card attacks with an ATK higher than your opponent's defense position monster, inflict the difference as battle damage to your opponent's life points.
This thing is out of date, but it's still useable. Use Airknight or Spear Dragon or even a Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier.

Buster Blader:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: This monster's ATK is increased by 500 for each dragon type monster on your opponent's side of the field and graveyard.
Of course, you will most likely use this against a dragon deck. I wouldn't recommend using this since most decks do not have dragons unless it's a dragon deck. So this is just a plain 2 tributes, 2600 attack monster. No specialty at all.

The Legendary Fisherman:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: When Umi is on the field, this monster is unaffected by magic cards and cannot be attacked.
Combo this with a Jinzo, you're invincible!! I once had this card, but I traded it for a Mage Power, Scapegoat, and a Blast With Chain. Pretty good for me, don't you think? Many people have decks based around this card and all I can say is, Why not?
Rating: 6.5/10

Dust Tornado:
Normal Trap Card
Effect: Destroy 1 magic or trap card on your opponent's side of the field. Then you may set 1 magic or trap card from your hand. This effect works only if the set card is a quickplay magic.
Of course, MST is Speed 3 compared to this speed 2. They have the same effect, only MST is faster.

Call of the Haunted:
Continuous Trap Card
Effect: Select one monster from your graveyard and special summon it in face up attack mode on the field. When the card is destroyed or removed from the field, the summoned monster is destroyed. If the summoned monster is destroyed, this card is destroyed.
One of the 3 reborning cards. I like that it is speed 2, but if this is returned to your hand or destroyed, that monster is destroyed. THAT'S BAD.......

Normal Trap Card
Effect: Flip all face down monsters on the field face up. For each flip effect monster on the field, inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent's life points(flip effects are not activated).
This card is out of date, but it still works in a burn. Why else would it be restricted??

Backup Soldier:
Normal Trap Card
Effect: When there are 5 or more monsters in your graveyard, you may select up to 3 monsters with an attack power of 1500 or less and put them in your hand(except for monsters with effects).
The only use of this is part of the Painful Choice, Backup Soldier combo. This card sucks in any other deck.

Mirror Wall:
Continuous Trap Card
Effect: Decrease the ATK of all of your opponent's monsters by half. You must pay 2000 life points during each of your standby phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed.
What a great card!!! Like everything else that you need to pay during your standby phase, you can use Soloman's Lawbook to skip your standby phase. You most likely will not pay but it's still worth having a one turn barrier!!

Nobleman of Crossout:
Normal Magic Card
Effect: Remove 1 face down monster on your opponent's side of the field from play. If the monster has a flip effect, both players must remove all the cards from of the same name from their decks. The decks are then shuffled.
This was number 10 on the top 10 magic list and earns that spot deservingly. I mean, you can remove all those pesky Magicians and bugs!! Waht's not tonlike?

Premature Burial:
Equip Magic Card
Effect: Pay 800 life points to select one monster from your grave and special summon it in face up attack position. This card is equipped to that monster. When this card is destroyed, that monster is also destroyed.
One of the infamous reborning cards!!!! Call, Monster Reborn, and this are just great and fits in any deck. But this one is the worst one cause you have to pay 800 life points.

Magical Hats:
Normal Trap Card
Effect: You can only activate this card during your opponent's battle phase. Take 2 non monster cards from your deck and select one of your monsters on the field, then shuffle your deck. Shuffle the 3 selected cards and set them in face down defense mode on the field. The two selected cards from your deck are treated as monsters(ATK 0/DEF 0) and are destroyed at the ened of the battle phase.
The most overrated card in the game so far. I mean, what's the point of losing 2 magic or trap cards? There's just like a one turn Scapegoat only there're only 2 guys!

Thousand Eyes Retrict:
Effect Fusion Monster
Effect: Fusion: Relinquished+Thousand Eyes Idol Same effect as Relinquished except that as long as this card remains on the field, all monsters on your opponent's side of the field cannot attack and cannot change their battle position.(I think)
As I've said before, I do not like fusions but this one's ok, I guess. It's pretty good. If your opponent's has an army of weenie and Gravity Bind, summon this and watch your opponent panick!!!

Lightforce sword:
Normal Trap Card
Effect: Select one card random from your opponent's hand. Keep it face down and place it outside of the field. During your opponent's 4th turn, the card is returned to his/her hand in the standby phase.
Don't get much use for this card. It says randomly so you can't see their hand. This should be a common. ToT. I got like 5 of these when I bought PSV packs.

Continuous Trap Card
Effect: Everytime your opponent's draws out side of his/her draw phase, draw 2 cards from the top of your deck.
The only drawing cards people use are Graceful Charity and Pot of Greed. Should be a common......

Nobleman of Extermination:
Normal Magic Card
Effect: Same effect as Nobleman of Crossout except that you remove a face down magic or trap and if it's a trap then you remove cards of the same name from your deck.
I like to have a lot of m/t removal and this just happened to be in one of my packs so I put it in. Not a bad card at all......

Continuous Magic Card
Effect: When you play this card, declare the name of a card. As long as this card remains face up on the field, the declared card cannot be played. The cards that are played before this card is played are excluded.
I definetely will put this in my side deck when I get one. You can use this against those decks that rely on one card. Like Toon World, Gravity Bind, etc. Pretty Great!

The Shallow Grave:
Normal Magic Card
Effect: Each player selects one monster from their Graveyard and sets it in face down defense mode.
A must in a deck like a deck depltion deck to get back those precious flip effect monsters like Morphing Jar.

Morphing Jar#2:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: FLIP: Return all monster on the field to the owner's decks and shuffle them. You and your opponenht then pick up cards from the top of your decks. Any level 4 or lower monsters are immediately special summoned in face down defense or face up attack position until you get the same number of monsters on the field before this card was flipped. Any other cards that are picked up are destroyed.
You may need this in a deck deplation deck but it's risky........ I DO NOT LIKE CHANCE CARDS!!!

Normal Trap Card
Effect: When one of your monsters are sent from the field to the graveyard, destroy 1 monster on the field.
Way out of date! Everyone has enough monster removal cards so noone needs this card.

Monster Recovery:
Quick-Play Magic Card
Effect: Select one of your monsters on the field and combine it with your deck. At the same time, combine your hand and deck together and shuffle the deck. Draw the same number of cards that were in your hand.
Can be used in an (weak)Exodia Deck where you get a bad hand but in reality, this card is sucky.

Skull Invitation:
Continuous Trap Card
Effect: Every time a card is sent to the graveyard, inflict 300 points of damage to the owner's life points.
Very, very bad since it can work against you easily. 300 points per card does not add up to much so it sucks. I like Coffin Seller much better.

Normal Trap Card
Effect: When one of your monsters are targeted by a magic, trap, or a monster attack, switch the target to another one of your monsters on the filed.
Uugghh.......just as bad as Skull Invitation. The PGD commons are all so great so compared to them, this is othing.

Magic Drain:
Normal Trap Card
Effect: You can only activate this card when your opponent activates a magic card. If your opponent cannot immediately discards a magic card from his/her hand, the magic card is negated and destroyed.
Either way they lose a magic card but of course, Magic Jammer and Imperial Order is much better.

Gravity Bind:
Continuous Trap Card
Effect: All monster that are level 4 ot higher cannot attack as long as this card remains face up on the field.
Staple in all those clown control and stall decks. Very good against those common beatdowns.

Normal Magic Card
Effect: Remove 1 monster from your side of the field from play until your next standby phase. The monster counts toward the 5 monster zone.
What's the use of this card?? I mean, of course you can use this to protect your toons when you summonb them you cannot attack so you can protect it but still, what's the chance that the monster's going to be destroyed next turn??

Hayabusa Knight:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: This monster may attack 2 times during the same battle phase.
This angry pidgeon is deadly if it's armed with an Axe of United. Pideon Power!!!! Can also attack under G-Bind and Messenger of Peace. Great card for those cc decks.

Mad Sword Beast:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: Read Fairy Meteor Crush.
Not that great with the release of Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier, which has the same effect but has 100 more attack power!!

Red Moon Baby:
Normal Effect Monster
Effect: A monster destroyed by this card can be special summoned in face up attack or defense position at the end of your battle phase to your side of the field.
A very good card if armed with a few equips. Actually, this is underrated, sortta.....can attack under read Hayabusa Knight

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