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 Guyvr Girl
 Adam the Alien
Site Information
 Created by: Guyvr Girl
 Layout Version: 1.0
 Created on: 9/16/2002
 Resolution: 800x600
 Š Copyright 2002
Welcome to the homepage of the SIM team, the Enforcers. The Enforcers are a simming team consisting of characters ranging from the comic depths of the Marvel universe, to the unquie characters of Japanese animation, and to the creativity of orginal characters designed by members. Having originated from the Marvel SIM Chat (MSC) the Enforcers use descriptive style role-playing without dice. This webpage is dedicated to providing useful information about the team and upcoming events to members as well as newcomers to the site.
The Enforcers are a team created for the sole purpose of enjoying the fun of roleplaying. The team does not claim rights to characters on this page, excluding those were made originally by members. The majority of pictures on this site originated from other webpages, except for the Enforcer banners and drawings done by members themselves.
~*~Out of Armor Gallery~*~
*Free Spirit* Commission Piece of G by Jessica 'Neon Dragon' Peffer. Full Version, I love it! ^_^
Slightly Irritated -_-
~Older Images of G~
Guyvr Girl Was G's main picture for several years, not about to forget it.
Drawn & Colored by: RyoMitsui000
Ryo's second time ever coloring using Adobe Photoshop 7.0. I'm impressed. ^_^
First Ever Picture of G Drawn by me...'bout 6 years ago. It's so bad... -_-