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 Guyvr Girl
Adam the Alien

Site Information
 Created by: Guyvr Girl
 Layout Version: 1.0
 Created on: 9/16/2002
 Resolution: 800x600
 Š Copyright 2002

Welcome to the homepage of the SIM team, the Enforcers. The Enforcers are a simming team consisting of characters ranging from the comic depths of the Marvel universe, to the unquie characters of Japanese animation, and to the creativity of orginal characters designed by members. Having originated from the Marvel SIM Chat (MSC) the Enforcers use descriptive style role-playing without dice. This webpage is dedicated to providing useful information about the team and upcoming events to members as well as newcomers to the site.

The Enforcers are a team created for the sole purpose of enjoying the fun of roleplaying. The team does not claim rights to characters on this page, excluding those were made originally by members. The majority of pictures on this site originated from other webpages, except for the Enforcer banners and drawings done by members themselves.

Top Secret Enforcer Data Files

~*~MrPengie's Profile~*~

Screen Name:     MrPengie and Belker47
Real Name:       Justin "Pengie" Boind (pronounced Bowind)
Code Name:       Thunderbolt, or Pengie and its various incarnations
                            (Peng, Pengster, Pengerino, etc)


      Justins father was a sort of buisiness tycoon, the head of BlargTech Industries; a company which supplyed various weapons, computers, vehicles, etc to various branches of the military (kinda bill gates/norman osborn-ish), and as such was far from poor. though when Justin was around the age of 2, his parents were both assassinated, causing Justin to inherit, unknowingly, the company, and a large sum of money. with the head of the company dead, BlargTech was soon to follow, losing most of its merchandise to mercenary raids, and various bombings of the company warehouses.
      Justin was soon adopted by his aunt and uncle, who lived in Baltimore, MD, where he was raised from then on.
      At around the age of 15, his powers began to develop. his aunt and uncle, disgusted by mutants, could barely even stand to look at him. having no other choice, he ran away, travelled around the states, working when and where he could, sometimes helping people with his "gifts", but staying in a single place for no longer than a month.
      At the age of 16, he stumbled across a hidden testing facility for BlargTech, where he found a recorded journal of his fathers, and learned of his true backround and what he inherited. using his new "lab", he's made a few gagdets for personal use, but has no intention of resurecting the company.
      At the age of 17, he was recruited by the Enforcers, and has been with them ever since.


About 6'4'', he has brown eyes, dark brown, almost black, hair. he's lean, though (very) slightly scrawny, he looks far from a wimp. besides all that, he has no other distinguishing marks.


rather happy-go-lucky, he really doesnt take life seriously. goofing around more often than not, and fairly sarcastic at times, though not with disrespect. he usually thinks of others before himself, and has been known to frequently put himself in the line of fire to assist an ally. and.. stuff.

Abilities / Powers:

electrokinetic. can control, create, absorb, and even become electricity. though the limits to how much he can control are unknown, he rarely uses more than 10,000 volts, though he has used 1.2 gigawatts in the past (not without severly draining him, however)


Various: if he uses a weapon, its usually his ExoSuit, though he doesnt wear it often. the suit, standing at 7'6'', has shoulder laser cannons, two, dual-barelled, twin-linked wrist blasters, eye lasers, wristblades, concealed, hip-mounted gatling lasers, palm blasters, and wolverine-ish claws. as for its equipment, it has bootjets, personal cloaking device, a small forcefield generator, molecular phasing unit, anti-grav belt, and a teleportation device. though this may seem like overkill, many of his weapons dont do more than burn where they hit. that, couple with the suits bulkyness and slow speed, is an example of why he rarely wears it.