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Katherine "Kitty" Pryde was a
thirteen-and-a-half year old girl living in Deerfield,
Illinois who led a normal life but then began suffering
headaches of steadily increasing frequency, duration, and
intensity. Unknown to her or her parents, the headaches
were a result of her mutant power emerging.
Meanwhile, Professor Charles Xavier, founder of the
X-Men, a team of mutant adventurers whom he trained in
the use of their superhuman powers, located Kitty with
his device for finding superhuman mutants, Cerebro. He
and three of the X-Men, Colossus, Storm, and Wolverine,
set out for Deerfield to contact her and possibly recruit
her as a member of the X-Men. Unknown to Xavier, the
mercenary Warhawk had planted a device that enabled his
employers in the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club to
monitor Cerebro's activities. The Inner Circle thus also
learned about Kitty Pryde, and one of its leaders, Emma
Frost, the White Queen, also went to contact her.
Xavier trained superhuman mutants at his so-called School
for Gifted Youngsters, whereas Frost was headmistress of
the Massachusetts Academy, where she also secretly
trained young superhuman mutants such as the Hellions in
the use of their powers. Hence, Xavier and Frost would
each approach Pryde and her parents as the heads of
private schools seeking to recruit her as a talented
student. Neither Xavier nor Frost intended to reveal to
Kitty's parents that their daughter was a mutant.
Kitty herself was unaware that she was mutant or that she
had a superhuman power until the afternoon that Frost
arrived to speak to her parents. While Frost was
downstairs, Kitty went to her room upstairs, suffering
her worst headache ever. Lying on her bed, she closed her
eyes, wishing the headache would stop. It did. Kitty
opened her eyes, and, to her surprise, found herself
lying on the floor of her living room. Without knowing
it, Kitty had used her "phasing" power for the
first time, and had passed through her bed and the floor
into the room below.
As Frost left, Xavier and his three X-Men arrived. The
three X-Men took Kitty to a local malt shop, where Kitty
and Storm began what evolved into a close friendship.
Suddenly three Hellfire Club mercenaries burst into the
shop and attacked the X-Men. Surprised and frightened,
Kitty moved out of the way and found herself passing
through the wall. Landing outside, she fell unconscious
since she was still not used to utilizing her power. The
White Queen used her telepathic powers to overcome the
three X-Men, whom the Hellfire Club took into their
But the brave Kitty had decided to snoop around the
hovercraft before it took off, and discovered the X-Men
were aboard as prisoners. Unwilling to desert her new
friend Storm or the others, she hid aboard the craft and
used her new powers to find the captive X-Men in the
Frost Industries complex to which the White Queen had
taken them. Storm gave Kitty the X-Men's phone number and
asked her to summon help. But one of the Hellfire Club
mercenaries spotted Pryde, and the White Queen ordered
her capture. Using her powers, Pryde got away long enough
to phone the number.
Two Hellfire Club mercenaries in a car were just about to
capture Pryde in Chicago when they were halted by the
Jean Grey version of Phoenix, who had just arrived with
her fellow X-Men Cyclops and Nightcrawler in response to
Kitty's message. Phoenix found and comforted the
frightened Kitty, who told her story to her and her X-Men
colleagues. Pryde then helped the X-Men and their ally,
the Dazzler, in rescuing their captive colleagues.
Phoenix used her mental powers to calm Carmen Pryde's
rage over his daughter's disappearance. Mr. and Mrs.
Pryde allowed Kitty to join Xavier's school, and soon
afterwards she became the newest member of the X-Men. She
originally took the code name Sprite, but later changed
it to Ariel. Kitty quickly became a valuable member of
the X-Men, so much so that Xavier retained her in the
X-Men even after founding a new team, the New Mutants,
most of whose members were closer to Kitty in age than
the other X-Men were.
Kitty's friendship with Storm has continued, but her best
friend was Illyana Rasputin, the New Mutant called Magik.
Kitty was deeply affected by Illyana's recent death from
the Legacy Virus. Kitty had a romance with her fellow
X-Man Colossus, and although it proved to be short-lived,
they remain friends today. Kitty's constant companion is
the small, alien, dragon-like creature Lockheed, whom she
met when the X-Men were on another planet.
Over time Kitty also grew close to the X-Man Wolverine,
who became a mentor to her. While in Japan, Kitty was
captured and put under the mental control of Ogun, the
martial arts master who had once been Wolverine's teacher
but had since become his enemy. Wolverine undertook a
crash program to teach Kitty to become skillful enough in
the Japanese martial arts to contend against Ogun. At the
end of her training Kitty assumed the new code name
Shadowcat, which she still uses today.
During the massacre of the mutant Morlocks by the
Marauders, the Marauder called Harpoon injured Shadowcat
with his energy spear. It also adversely affected her
powers so that she could no longer regain her solidity.
She was cured by the combined efforts of Doctor Doom and
the Fantastic Four's Mister Fantastic.
Subsequently, Shadowcat became a founding member of the
new British-based team of adventurers Excalibur. She
eventually became romantically involved with her teammate
Peter Wisdom.
Later at G. W. Bridge, the acting commander of the
international law enforcement agency S.H.I.E.L.D.,
recruited Kitty Pryde to become a temporary S.H.I.E.L.D.
agent. Bridge explained that the computer system of
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying headquarters, the helicarrier, was
failing to recognize any user but her. Pryde soon learned
that this was because the spirit of the late Ogun had
taken control of the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier's computer
system. Pryde succeeded in defeating Ogun and, with
Wolverine's aid, S.H.I.E.L.D. regained control of the
helicarrier computers.
Shadowcat has subsequently returned to Excalibur, where
she has continued to be a valued member of the team. When
Excalibur disbanded, Shadowcat returned to the United
States and the X-Men. Following the tragic death of
Colossus, and too many loved ones before him, Kitty left
the team to find a new way to help realize Xavier's dream
of peaceful coexistence between man and mutant. That road
led her to a life away from the front lines of genetic
conflict at an unnamed university, where she would be
free to pursue her own destiny.
Arriving in Chicago, Kitty took a job as a bartender at a Chicago bar named the Belle's of Hell. What did she find in Chicago? The same hatred and persecution that seemed to prevail in the world concerning mutants. Still, after defeating a ship full of rogue sentinels and winning the respect of the Chicago PD; Kitty felt she was off to a good start.