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BRACE - male & female

Brace were the rockshaper who maintained contact with the walls of Blue Mountain and corrected minute shifts in the rock to prevent the whole mountain from collapsing. They were basically "dead" as they did not need to move and rarely ate or drank. Winnowill sustained them with potions and her powers.


Coming soon.


A male Glider who was a member of the Chosen Eight who served first Lord Voll and then Lord Winnowill in hunting for food.


A male Glider who was a member of the Chosen Eight.


Kureel was one of the Chosen Eight and the Glider whose mount was slain by Strongbow. He was later killed by Strongbow when his bondbird took Dart into it's talons. His spirit forgave Strongbow when he came to him to apologize for taking his life. Kureel's spirit now inhabits the Palace of the High Ones with the other Gliders who died in the collapse of Blue Mountain.

Lord Voll


Oroleed was one of the Chosen Eight. A male.


A male member of the Chosen Eight.


Another male member of the Chosen Eight.


The only other female member of the Chosen Eight other than Aroree.

Circle of Nine-- Family Trees-- Firstborn-- Gliders-- Goatriders-- GoBacks-- High Ones-- Homepage-- Humans-- Preservers-- Sun Villagers-- Trickster's Clan-- Trolls-- Wavedancers - Original-- Wavedancers - New-- Wolfriders

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