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The Goatriders were a group of elves who were descendents of Two-Spear's original band. Their fate is unknown. They may be the ancestors of the Go-Backs or of another unknown group of elves still wandering Abode.

Buckmaster was a male elf named in Firstborn.

Goldmane was a female elf named in Firstborn. She was the leader of the hunting party that met Freefoot's hunting party in the plains. She told Freefoot that Graywolf was the leader of her tribe and that the tribe consisted of three eights of elves.

Hawkcatcher is the firstborn son of Freefoot with Two Shadows, a Goatrider. He met his father on the plains during one of Freefoot's many wanderings and talked with each other. After a while it was revealed that Freefoot was Hawkcatcher's father and they fought, resulting in Hawkcatcher's death.

Stonefist was a male elf named in Firstborn.


Circle of Nine-- Family Trees-- Firstborn-- Gliders-- GoBacks-- High Ones-- Homepage-- Humans-- Preservers-- Sun Villagers-- Trickster's Clan-- Trolls-- Wavedancers - Original-- Wavedancers - New-- Wolfriders

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