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Savah is the Mother of Memory for the Sun Villagers at Sorrow's End. She was one of the Rootless Ones who founded Sorrow's End, together with Maalvi, Yurek and Dreen.

When Savah was younger she was lifemated to Yurek, a rockshaper. Together they founded Sorrow's End.

Savah has the ability to remember all details for all events that take place and to call upon those memories when needed. She is old beyond belief, but not a high one, although she may be the daughter of two high ones. She also has the ability to light the chair in which she sits most of the time and when the light goes out she is in danger as the Village found out when Winnowill captured her spirit.

Savah has been the mentor to many elves, including Rayek and Suntop, helping them achieve the limits of their abilities. She has two handmaidens, Newstar and Ahdri.

Savah is currently traveling the Palace with the remaining Sun Villagers, after the Sun Village was overrun with humans led by a troll.

Yurek was one of the Rootless ones who travelled from a green growing place to Sorrow's End and began the Sun Village. He was lifemated to Savah and was the creator of the Bridge of Destiny. After creating the Bridge of Destiny, a taxing use of his rockshaping powers, he fell to his death.

Savah and Yurek had at least one child, and Savah is the grandmother of Alekah, the greatgrandmother of Tekshu and the great-greatgrandmother of Ahdri.

Circle of Nine-- Family Trees-- Firstborn-- Gliders-- Goatriders-- GoBacks-- High Ones-- Homepage-- Humans-- Preservers-- Sun Villagers-- Trickster's Clan-- Trolls-- Wavedancers - Original-- Wavedancers - New-- Wolfriders

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