![]() Freefoot was the sixth chief of the wolfriders and the son of Skyfire and supposedly Dreamsinger. He lead the wolfriders during a time of plenty and peace, leaving him able to continue his wanderings and explorations of the area surrounding the tribe's home. During one of his many wanderings, together with other members of the tribe, he came across another group of elves. These elves were possibly the decedents of Two-Spear and his followers. They rode goats and one of their tribemates, Two Shadows, Recognized Freefoot. Freefoot had tawny hair and brown eyes. He was killed by green skyfire (lightning) while he tried to rescue some of the tribe's cubs who had climbed the trees to escape the lightning. Starflower was the unRecognized lifemate of Freefoot, although she did bear him three cubs, Feather, Long Oak and Fangslayer. Starflower was almost killed when she was striken by a high fever during a time when snakes were awakened by a spring thaw. She was saved by her son's bond friend, a small catlike animal named Winterleaf. Two Shadows was one of the elves that Freefoot and his tribemates met during one of Freefoot's journeys. She was a goatrider and possilby one of Two-Spear's or his followers decendents. They Recognized and she returned to her tribe bearing his cub, who was later named Hawkcatcher. Many, many turns later, Hawkcatcher and Freefoot met, long after Two Shadows had died and fought over Freefoot's failure to stay with her and return to her tribe after the Recognition. During the fight, Freefoot fatally wounded his son and was forced to kill him. He was buried in the grasslands between the two tribes boundaries. "Elfquest art copyright 2004 Warp Graphics, Inc. Elfquest, its logos, characters, situations, all related indicia, and their distinctive likenesses are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved." |