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Treestump is the oldest of the current wolfriders, having lived through part of Mantricker's reign and all of Bearclaw's. Treestump is the brother of Joyleaf and the uncle of Cutter. He was the Recognized lifemate of Rillfisher and the father of Dewshine. His parents are unknown at this time. As a child, Treestump was called Birdcall, however his name was changed when he stood his ground, like a tree stump, when he was captured with ropes. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and uses an axe as his preferred weapon.

Treestump is the one Cutter looks to when he is unable to act as chief, leaving Treestump in charge while he is gone. Although he says that he does not want to be chief, he is well suited to the position. Over the years it has been Treestump who Cutter looks to most often, as he is his mother's brother and values his wisdom. Treestump's guidance is often asked for in council meetings.

Treestump lost his lifemate, Rillfisher, when Dewshine was still a young cub. Since then time has healed his sorrow and made him able to console Clearbrook after One-Eye's death. Treestump is a very sentimental elf. When his daughter stayed at Sorrow's End to raise his grandson, Windkin, he left his axe with her.

After the Palace shattered, Treestump traveled with Clearbrook and together they battled their way up Citdale Mound, killing Peace Hounds. Now, with the Palace complete once again, they are with the Wolfriders at the site of the original Father Tree.

Treestump recently learned how to forge metal weapons with the help of Clearbrook in the Troll Caverns.

Little is known about Rillfisher. She was the Recognized lifemate of Treestump and the mother of Dewshine. She was able to catch silver-fish with her bare hands in the waters surrounding the Father Tree.

Rillfisher was striken with a fever once and was left deaf after the fever broke. She was killed by a falling tree branch while fishing.

She had long blonde hair, which she kept pulled back and tied, and resembled both Joyleaf and Eyes High.



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