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of events in

411 AD: In Alexandria the original little girl Promethea is sent out into the desert by her father shortly before he is killed. Thoth and Hermes rescue her taking her to the Immateria where she becomes a story living forever
1097: Battle of Antioch. A Muslim and a Christian Promethea battle one another to the death. The event is so dramatic that it is completeley wiped from Promethea's mind
1751: Charlton Sennet author of A Faerie Romance born
1779/80(?): Sennets' housekeeper Anna dies whilst giving birth. The baby is only half real and does not survive Issue #4 pgs 12-13
1803: Charlton Sennet dies
1901: William Randoloph Hearst's newspaper The New York Clarion begins publishing Little Margie in Mystic Magic Land in its Sunday color edition
1903: Margaret Taylor Case introduces the character of Promethea into her strip Little Margie in Mystic Magic Land
1920: Margaret Taylor Case retires. Last Promethea story published in November 1919?
1924: Astonishing Stories begins publishing Promethea novellas. 15 in all are written starting with A Warrior Queen in Hy Brasil. Other titles include Promethea and the Manigators. The author is Marto Neptura and the artist is Grace Brannagh
1938: Amazing Stories sold to Apex Magazines
1941: Apex begins publishing Smashing Comics
1946: Science heroine version of Promethea appears in book form. From 1941 to 1970 William Woolcott writes and draws the Promethea stories
1991 or 1996: Steve Shelley dies from cancer
1999 Sophie Bangs interviews Steve Shelleys' widow Barbara and becomes Promethea for the first time. Events of present day Promethea stories begin

Last Updated: 31 December, 2002