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Talia Josephine "T.J." Wagner

F) Ex20
A) Am50
S) Gd10
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) Gd10
P) Gd10

Health: 110 Karma: 30
Resources: N/A Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Body Possession: Un, T.J has the ability to enter a person's body and take control of her target with Un ability. This also gives the target a mental barrier with Un abilities. Once, T.J. leaves a body, the target will be unconscious for 12 hours.
Hex-Bolts: Am Energy, 3 areas
Wall-Crawling: Am, 3 areas/turn. She cannot adhere to frictionless or slippery surfaces.


Talents: Piloting, Martial Arts B, Tumbling, Acrobatics, Resist Domination

Contacts: Exiles


Talia Josephine Wagner is the daughter of Kurt Wagner, one of her world's greatest X-Men, and the Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. She was raised under the watchful eye of her parents and under the tutelage of 's School for Gifted Youngsters where she quickly moved up the ranks to be an X-Man and fight at the side of her father. In this life that she loves so much, she is passionately involved with James Proudstar and is a member of a band called the Butt Monkeys.

T.J. awoke up in the middle of the night one evening to find herself no longer at the Xavier Institute. She had somehow landed herself in the middle of a barren desert alongside five other X-Men from five different realities. They were greeted by the Timebroker, a construct of their collective consciousness, who explained to them that they had all become unhinged from time as a chain of events had caused their realities as they knew it to change. New events in Nocturne's past caused her father to be killed during a battle with the Hellfire Club at the hand of her grandmother, Mystique. In order to return to their correct timelines, they would have to repair other realities that caused the ripple effect that disrupted their reality or they would return to their new, unfortunate alternate existences.

On one of their first missions, the Exiles were instructed to murder Jean Grey before she became the Dark Phoenix and engulfed the universe. Nocturne was apprehensive about killing her "Aunt Jean" and to add heartbreak to hate, Talia met up with her father in the pending conflict. T.J. took him out by causing him to exhaust himself by over-teleporting, a maneuver that she is immune to from growing up riding piggyback on her dad's back.

Nocturne would eventually find solace in the arms of teammate John Proudstar, Thunderbird, older brother of her beau back in her reality. Their romance began after T-Bird defeated the Hulk in a world where Wolverine led the Canadian super team Alpha Flight. Their relationship nearly went down under a few weeks later in a world where the Savage Land covered an entire continent after John objected to their continued rapport as he claimed it was an immature refuge. He reasoned that they shouldn't bind themselves in emotional entanglements when their lives were so unpredictable and at any moment one of them could finish their missions and be sent home, be injured, or be killed. Talia took great offense to this remark, though the two would reconcile a week later in a reality where the Exiles served under President Tony Stark when T-Bird revealed that it was his own insecurity that he swaying him from their relationship. He couldn't understand what someone so beautiful would want with a monster like himself and thought she deserved better than something like him. Afterwards, in a reality where the Skrulls ruled the Earth for over a century and Galactus came to feed on the planet, Talia revealed to John that she was pregnant with their child. In light of this new information, John insisted that T.J. sit out the fight against the World Devourer, but she refused to comply and piloted an aircraft armed with missiles more powerful than nuclear bombs in an effort to stop the Planet Eater.

In the epic battle against Galactus, the Exiles devised a plan that involved the Banner Beast, this world's Incredible Hulk, pushing an anti-matter bomb into the armor that holds together the pure energy that comprises the Eater of Planets. However, at the denouement when Morph was finally able to breach the hull of the World Eater's exterior using a laser satellite, Galactus sent Banner hurtling away in pain with an energy blast from the palm of his hand. Thing, Colossus, and the Abomination, the other heavyweights, were all too far away from Galactus to get to him in time, so John picked up the highly volatile explosive and drove it into the heart of the beast.

The resulting outburts caused the Plant Eater to resign from his campaign to devour Earth as there were other worlds that are less trouble. Although T-Bird survived taking the detonation at point blank, the injuries he recieved sent him into a comatose state in addition to possibly making him brain dead. As John was incapable of continuing, the Timebroker sends Sasquatch in as his replacement and the Exiles were forced to leave Thunderbird in this world despite strong objections from Nocturne.

Shortly after losing John, T.J. also lost the child she was carrying through a miscarriage. She confided this information to her teammate Sunfire who offered to help her with coping with the passing of John and the baby, but T.J. refused any aid and demanded to be left alone. It would take much mourning before Talia would recover from the emotional scars that were left. Just as soon as she had started to ease past the pain she had been through, the Exiles were plucked from their reality-hopping affairs by Mojo, the evil dictator of the unique Mojoverse where television ratings determine who rules the planet. Mojo had brought the Exiles to Mojoverse to steal Morph away from their ranks and have the metamorph star in his own television show. When Mojo took Morph hostage, Nocturne was inadvertantly captured alongside the shape-shifter and was also brought back to Mojo's base of operations.

Morph initially refused to jump through hoops for Mojo, but his decision was eventually won over when Mojo revealed that they had been brutally torturing Nocturne. T.J. was kept locked inside of an isolated cell while the Morph Show became the #1 sensation in all of the Mojoverse, recieving the highest ratings in over a hundred years. However, Talia was not without her wiles and noticed a new guard in the rotation. She tricked him into unlocking her inhibitor collar and took possession of his body. T.J. would eventually find Morph inside the Morph Show's green room and, once united, the two made a run for it, only to be stopped dead in their tracks by Mojo. During this confrontation, the normally jovial Morph exploded with rage. Driven by the disgust and fury at the millions of innocents that Mojo had maimed, twisted, tortured, raped, and killed, Morph was set to kill the ruler of Mojoverse when the Timebroker stepped in and brought things to a halt. By bringing the Exiles to the Mojoverse, Mojo has tampered with time. Morph killing Mojo would just complicate things further. A morose Morph apologizes to Nocturne for causing her suffering, but Talia assured him that none of it was his fault. Either way, Morph is discouraged and wants to go home.

Sometime later, the Exiles visited a planet that was plagued by an evolved Legacy Virus and ruled by a nation of infected creatures called Vi-Locks. Here, T.J. seemed to be completely over Thunderbird as she opened up to flirtation from Power Fist. After the body of Cypher, the original carrier of the Warlock Virus, was destroyed, all hope to create a vaccine seemed loss. Both the Exiles and Avengers saw no other pragmatic solutions to the Vi-Lock threat other than the destruction of Earth.

T.J. volunteered to pilot an aircraft filled with nuclear warheads on a suicided run to crash land into the Vi-Locks' own store of nuclear weaponry. The explosion from the impact alone would most likely split the planet in half. At the last minute, Mimic hijacked the plane by nerve pinching Nocturne and flew the ship in her place. A better, non-world ending resolution was found when Rachel Summers was able to contact the Norse Gods and use the healing properties within their blood to create a successful vaccine.