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Title: Positive Thinking
Author: Girly Girl
Summary: Tim and random thoughts.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, and probably never will be.

Rating: G

Pairing: Yeah right! Maybe later, but not now.

Notes: Kind of a sequel to Demon Spawn; kind of not. Again, no beta reader, I write because I don’t want to write English papers, as you will find out again with Tim assignment. Oh, and I know Tim goes to a funky all guy school I think, but for the purpose of my story imagine he’s at my funky school and the whole “Great Hall” thing is basically a big hall with desks in it. It’s actually better than that but I don’t feel like explaining it anymore. I guess that’s all. It has Kon in it, but not very much, blink and you miss him.

P.S. Notes: If my notes above didn’t make any sense, its okay.

What was the name of this thing again…Oh, right…

This is the beginning…

Monday morning, a fresh new week full of new opportunities, challenges, and achievements… I hate Mondays. They’re all the same; a sea of walking zombies making their way to where they have to go. And that’s exactly where I am. I’m a grade 12 student at some weird high school that can’t even follow proper procedure. They shove you into this “Great Hall” and make you work. So, right now, I’m in this “Great Hall” in the English area writing this. I’m supposed to be writing a paper on John Keats’ poems, and to the untrained eye, that’s exactly what I’m doing. But then, that’s not the first time I’ve lied to people today. My planner say’s today is Wednesday. Huh… but really, what do you expect from a high school student? Not much I hope ‘cause you won’t get a lot. My brain is so full of useless crap that I can’t even remember what freakin’ day of the week it is.

My name’s Tim by the way. It mean’s something in some language but, call me lazy, I never got around to looking up the meaning… wait! Hey, no, I know this one. It means honouring god, in Greek. But I’m not Greek…I think I’m American but I keep adding ‘u’ into words that don’t have ‘u’s in them. Like honour, and valour. Weird.

So, why am I writing this? I already told you, I don’t want to write my paper on Keats. Good excuse? I think so. And anyway, that’s what we have homework for, so we can get other people to help us out with our schoolwork. Not that I’d try that again, remember the oysters? Stupid oysters. Can’t even look at them anymore! It’s sad. Oh, so very sad. But I did get 93% on that paper thankyouverymuch. But mostly I’m writing this to waste time, and I swear time is slowing down. Why can’t I be the man who invented time~? But no, I get stuck with the almost useless superpower… What? You didn’t know I had a superpower? Huh, where have you been, under a rock? Okay, sorry that was uncalled for. You see, my superpower is amazing, breathtaking, and crazy. Wanna know what it is? Yeah, well, so do I. We had this football team come to talk to us this morning, and I have a point with this. Well, it wasn’t so much of a talk as it was a lecture. Don’t we get enough of those in our lives? Anyway, one of them was telling us about positive thinking, for example, if I’m out fighting some creep and I keep saying in my head, “Don’t get killed,” All I’m going to remember is “Get killed.” So, always remember, positive thinking. But that’s not what I was getting at. He also said that, “if you can think it, you can achieve it”, or something to that extent. I mean come on. I imagine I can fly, but you don’t see me flying out the window do you? It’s never going to happen without the help of Superboy or a…or a plane. So the point of this story was, that the guy lied to me. I’d also like eye beams but you don’t see those shooting out of my eyes do you? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Okay, so I’m a little bitter about the whole “mere mortal” thing but I have reasons to be. Okay, so sure, only a small percent of the world has superpowers, but still I can’t help but feel left out. But we can’t dwell on the fact that I got left out with millions of other humans when they were handing out superpowers now can we?

Speaking of something totally not related, I hope you weren’t expecting this “story” to go anywhere because if you were, I’m sorry but its just not going to happen. I still have 10 minutes left and I feel like dwelling on… why I think it’s Monday, or maybe why there isn’t a round state, or maybe why in Canada, it’s illegal it remove a band aid in public. Did you also know, that somewhere in Canada, I can’t remember where, it’s illegal to drag a dead horse down Main Street on Sundays? Isn’t that completely crazy; a round state? Can you imagine? That would be almost as crazy as asking Kon for help again with my paper. But come to think of it, it could be entertaining to hear what story he would come up with. Maybe if I get bored later I’ll ask him. And maybe instead of giving me and excuse, he'll leap into my arms and confess his undying love for me...well, like that guy from the football team said: positive thinking can get you anything!

…and this is the end…or is it…
(Corny I know but I had to do it.)