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I was one of the first,
Molded and cast in the image of thy Nemesis.
I thirsted not for peace, but for conquest.
I could not see our power,
I could only see our potential to be gods.

Millions of years have passed
And I have remained hidden.
Hidden in the very shadows
Where they least expect my burning grasp to reach.
I have taken hold of our destinies,
I have brought about our evolution.

Some 4 Million Years ago, My Plan was put into motion. I was well aware of our limitations as a race. We needed mass amounts of Energon to travel, and to wage war. We needed to be more efficient in order to conquer the Universe.

I would have to send soldiers out to find other lifeforms. Study them, learn their secrets and employ them. The Decepticons are stubborn, single minded Transformers. They wanted to exterminate the Autobots, not go on a field trip for science, so I had to deceive both sides.

I had the Decepticons do their best to cut off the Autobots’ energy supplies. They were then forced to abandon Cybertron in favor of finding new energy sources. Using the Decepticons’ thirst for the Autobots’ destruction, I planted one of my agents in the Decepticons’ ranks…

Soundwave. He would record various Data on all the things he saw on whatever planet they ended up on. They ended up on Earth, which was perfect! It was full of life! Unfortunately, every scrap of my patience was tried while waiting for the nearly 4 Million years for them to awaken. I would have sent another team to explore, but Energon was in short supply and none could be spared, especially not an amount that large. So I waited…

Until a Strange Virus infected Cybertron’s inhabitants. It had been brought about by one calling himself “Megatron,” though he was not the same Megatron I knew. He, and the ones he had come to Cybertron with, were unlike any Transformer I had ever seen. They had assumed Biological alternate modes, which was part of what I wanted to explore in my research.

The Virus whiped out most of Cybertron. I was one of the lucky survivors and remained deep within Cybertron conducting my research on these new Transformers. I managed to learn a great deal, but they were not purely organic, so I could not complete my experiments. I did, however, manage to create an evolved form for these Biological Transformers. I called it Techno-Organic.

These few surviving Transformers would be my experiments. This Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Black Arachnia, Rattrap and Nightscream.

Using the guise of the Oracle, I convinced them to take on the new Techo-Organice forms I had developed. My experiment was met with moderate success. My new Techo-Organics managed to defeat Megatron, but it was through luck and certain X-factors, not Power. Optimus Primal would have certainly been decimated by Megatron’s Optimal form if it weren’t for the sparks. Megatron’s robotic form was still stronger than my Techno-Organics, but it was a large step forward.

With the data from the Techno-Organics, I managed to create a more advanced Techno-Organic soldier. This was Gigatron.

Eventually the Transformers on Earth were revived and the war there began. The Autobots won the war, and destroyed many of the Decepticons. Soundwave managed to survive and that was all the mattered to me. When they returned to Cybertron, another war started. This would be the ultimate test for my newest experiment, Gigatron. He performed brilliantly! He managed to defeat any Transformer that crossed his path. Any, except one. Omega Prime. The combination of Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus was not something I expected. Their power was immense and managed to defeat Gigatron.

I had Skywarp retrieve Gigatron’s body so I could collect the battle data. Combined with all the information Soundwave collected for me on earth, I have been able to finally create the perfect Techno-Organic transformer!

That Transformer is ME.

Now I will be able to build an empire of Techno-Organic Transformers to rule the universe.
Now I will have the power to purge the primitive purely Technological Transformers.

Come unto me and ye shall be saved.