The Master Sentinel
Name: The Master Sentinel
Bios: A gigantic rock guardian employed by the Drakon Empire to protect their lands. One such Sentinel was abandoned by the Drakon Empire thousands of years ago in the Aquatic Ruin Zone. It rose to the surface following an underwater earthquake and, after learning its masters had deserted the city that it had been built to protect, the Sentinel destroyed itself. Sonic thought nothing of it. Until years later when the Drakon Empire came for him, claiming he destroyed the Sentinel. Sonic escaped back to Mobius after proving his innocence in a death match, but the Drakon came calling again, wanting to know the location of the Chaos Emeralds. When Sonic resisted, they unleashed another Master Sentinel, however Sonic was eventually able to destroy it also.
Creator/s: The Drakon Empire
User/s: The Drakon Empire
Introduced: "The Sentinel"