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Name: Metamorphia

Bios: Metamorphia was created by Grimer to lure Sonic into a fatal trap. Unlike other creations spawned by Grimer and Robotnik, Metamorphia is biological, and able to change her shape into any form she sees fit. She idolises Doctor Robotnik and exists only to serve him, however he often shuns her and laughs in her face due to her failures. Metamorphia first appeared to Sonic in the form of a female bear, begging for help. Despite Amy’s warnings of caution, Sonic went to investigate, where Metamorphia turned into a gas and knocked him out, imprisoning him inside a Retro Block prison. Sonic managed to escape and didn’t fool for Metamorphia’s trick of turning into Tails, instead dumping her into a blazing inferno.

However, Metamorphia assumed a fire-proof form a survived, she then transformed herself into a Sonic counter-part called Cosmic The Hedgehog and tried to out-match Sonic. However, when she failed to match up to Sonic’s skills, she tried to simply gas, beat and dice him to death. Sonic managed to trick Metamorphia into transforming into Sonic’s form and a group of Motobug Badniks opened fire upon her, believing her to be Sonic.

Metamorphia survived, however, and returned a little later to pose as Sonic’s long lost brother, Tonic. Sonic saw through it, though Amy and Tails believed he was just being stubborn. Sonic was right, however, and Metamorphia was once again defeated, much to the anger of Doctor Robotnik.

When Shortfuse The Cybernik freed a bunch of prisoners, including Tekno The Canary, Robotnik sent Metamorphia out to destroy Shortfuse once and for all. Metamorphia intercepted Shortfuse and Tekno at the Chemical Planet Zone and beat Shortfuse senseless, captured Tekno and left Shortfuse to die at the hands of the bomb Tekno had planted. However, Shortfuse survived and, angered that his Chemical Plant Zone factory had been destroyed; Robotnik took away Metamorphia’s shape-shifting abilities and had her turned into a Badnik, allowing Shortfuse to easily rescue Tekno.

Metamorphia, as a Badnik, patrolled the Grim Zone and ran into Tails a few years later, where she was freed from the Badnik casing and reduced to tears at failing her idol, Doctor Robotnik. Metamorphia renounced Robotnik, saying she hated how he had treated her, and transformed one final time into a cute little bear girl, allowing her to live a normal life as a reformed character.

Creator/s: Grimer

User/s: Doctor Robotnik

Introduced: "Metamorphia"