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Planet Mobius

Name: Planet Mobius

Bios: 117, 63222 light years away from Earth, in a parallel dimension, lies Planet Mobius. Planet Mobius is populated solely by animals, although some humans do reside on the Planet, the most famous of these is the evil Doctor Robotnik, who crash landed on the Planet many years ago as the kindly Ovi Kintobor. Mobius is made up of many large Islands that are divided into Zones. Mobius is a natural wonder but its land has been tainted by Robotnik’s evil in many places. Mobius is also the convergence for many other dimensions and mysteries, such as the Miracle Planet, which appears in the skies of Mobius for a few hours every Month, the Special Stage, which can only be entered through Star Posts, the Drakon Home world, the Ring Of Eternity, the Nameless Zone and the micro Universe of Shanazar.

Mobius is almost alive with its bounteous beauty, this was best shown when Earth invaded and the very Planet itself fought back against their plans to pollute the natural habitat. Mobius underwent a dramatic change and expansion thanks to Robotnik merging it with Shanazar, this caused Mobius to be the centre of many dimensional tears and opened up gateways to many other new Zones and time periods.

Introduced: “Enter: Sonic”