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The Omni-Viewer

Name: The Omni-Viewer

Bios: The Omni-Viewer is essentially a giant screen with a digital face; he is good friends with Sonic and patrols the Special Zone. The Omni Viewer is a sentient time/space portal that can transport anyone anywhere through time and space. Omni showed Sonic’s friends; Tails, Porker and Johnny, the origin of Sonic and Robotnik but was forced to transport Sonic and his friends six months into the future by Robotnik, who had seized control of his systems. Desperately guilty for this act, Omni will help Sonic whenever he can. Omni also became the confidant and transport for The Chaotix Crew, and he trained them to become guardians of the Special Zone.

When Knuckles accidentally travelled to the Special Zone, Omni was under the impression, from observing current events on Mobius, that Knuckles was Robotnik’s ally and Omni let the Chaotix Crew loose on him. Omni ended the fight after he checked out Knuckles’s story of turning on Robotnik and Knuckles aided the Chaotix Crew in their mission to retrieve the Omni-Viewer from the Brotherhood Of Metallix and put a stop to them growing in power. Whilst held captive by the Emperor Metallix, Omni’s program was copied and pirated by the Brotherhood, who would use their pirate copy to transverse time and space to wreak havoc throughout time.

This was where Omni came in invaluable use, as he transported Sonic, Porker and Chaotix throughout time to hunt down and stop the Brotherhood Of Metallix from conquering Mobius, this of course lead to Sonic being forced to cause Kintobor to transform into Robotnik and Porker to lose his nerve for adventuring. After things calmed down and time was set straight, the unthinkable happened as Super Sonic was separated from Sonic and sent to the Special Zone. After Sonic followed his evil alter-ego and joined forces with the Chaotix Crew to fight Super Sonic and Lord Sidewinder’s gang, Omni decided the best way to stop Super Sonic would not be to transport him far away, but to trap him forever. Thus, Omni became the perfect prison and Super Sonic was trapped inside of him, this act also left Sonic stranded in the Special Zone. This plan also had a drawback, as Omni was unable to hold Super Sonic forever and it was noticed that one day Super Sonic would eventually break free. So, Chaotix and Sonic took Omni to the centre of the Black Asteroid and, after a brief assault from Nack was subdued, they sealed him and his demon captive away within the Asteroid.

Some time later, Super Sonic was able to build his power up to a level that would cause the Black Asteroid to explode, creating an Electromagnetic Pulse as it freed Super Sonic. Sonic and Chaotix managed to stop Lord Sidewinder and his gang from freeing Super Sonic early and were able to have the Omni-Viewer transport the Asteroid to the skies of Mobius as it exploded, causing the official defeat of Robotnik by wiping out his computer systems. Freed from his own prison, the Omni-Viewer returned at full power to aid the Chaotix Crew once more after Super Sonic lost all his power and his memories as a result of the explosion.

The Omni-Viewer used his services to transport Sonic back into the Special Zone in time for the fight against Root and his evil swamp creatures. After their defeat and the defeat of the Chaotix Crew’s most persistent rival, the Crimson Cobra, the Omni-Viewer continued to offer his services should they ever be required and remained the omnipotent force of the Special Zone.

Species: Unknown

Residence: The Special Zone

Alignment: Good

Friends: Sonic, Mighty, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Knuckles

Enemies: Doctor Robotnik, Nack The Weasel, The Brotherhood Of Metallix, Super Sonic, Lord Sidewinder and his Gang

Likes: Being helpful

Dislikes: Being controlled

Abilities: Instantaneous transport through time and space, control over time and space

Weaknesses: Can be hacked into and manipulated

Introduced: “The Origin Of Sonic”