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Doctor Ivo Robotnik

Name: Doctor Ivo Robotnik

Bios: Originally a kind scientist named Doctor Ovi Kintobor; Robotnik absorbed the evil of the Chaos Emeralds and took the form of a rotten egg to become a grotesque evil genius intent on conquering Mobius. Robotnik used his genius to capture animals and enslave them within robotic casings to become his Badnik forces and he used these Badniks as his primary method of hunting down Sonic, as well as various traps and devices placed all over the Planet. Robotnik’s first major plan after his defeat onboard his Death Egg Satellite was to pollute the Planet with his Engine Of Destruction and, while Sonic was occupied with that, Robotnik transformed Tails into a Badnik and began to secretly construct a base in the Special Zone. Robotnik’s plans were thwarted by Sonic each time but his trap was about to be sprung.

Following a visit to the Special Zone, Robotnik had his unwilling servant the Omni-Viewer transport Sonic, Tails, Porker and Johnny into the future. Though the Omni-Viewer rebelled and only took them six months forward in time, it was enough time for Robotnik to seize total control of the Planet! With Robotnik’s Troopers in place and his pollution stretching all across the Planet, it seemed like there was no way Robotnik could be defeated. But Robotnik was unable to simply destroy Sonic as he and the other Freedom Fighters kept themselves hidden in the guise of “Bob Beaky’s Travelling Circus”.

Robotnik managed to flush them out by kidnapping Amy Rose, who claimed to be Sonic’s girlfriend, and luring Sonic into confronting Metallix, a specially constructed Badnik that took the form and abilities of Sonic himself, on the Miracle Planet. However, he was defeated. The Metallix Project, however, was moved to the Special Zone. During this time, Robotnik underwent a strange transformation into an Egg. What emerged from the Egg was a complete make-over for Robotnik’s physical appearance, making him more evil and rotten than ever.

Robotnik found himself stranded on the legendary Floating Island after his Death Egg fell from orbit. There, he found Knuckles, Guardian of the Chaos Emeralds, and manipulated Knuckles into attacking Sonic and stealing his Chaos Emeralds. Robotnik was able to absorb the full powers of the Emeralds but was defeated when Knuckles turned on him and took away his power. Robotnik was not easily defeated though and, after destroying Sonic's secret base and forcing the Freedom Fighters to live mobile, Robotnik stepped up his plans to re-construct his Death Egg. After some set backs involving the destruction of one of the Satellites thrusters and the defeat of Mecha Metallix, Robotnik finally harnessed the power of the Master Emerald and got his Death Egg into the sky. Just as he was about to incinerate the Emerald Hill Zone, Knuckles attacked the Satellite from the outside while Sonic stole the master Emerald from within. Without its power source, the Death Egg fell from the sky. Robotnik armoured up and tried to finish Sonic himself but was flung from the Floating Island and defeated once more. Following this, Sonic hid the Emerald Hill Folk on the Mushroom Hill Village on the Floating Island and Robotnik, angered by his inability to find them, unleashed his fury on other Zones. This resulted in the creation and subsequent rebellion of Shortfuse The Cybernik.

Robotnik soon found himself forced to join forces with Sonic in order to defeat the Brotherhood Of Metallix, who had turned on Robotnik and were planning to change time to suit their purposes. Luckily for Robotnik, Sonic defeated them. Robotnik took advantage of the situation to create his equal by programming a special Trooper with his own brain patterns. Thus was born Commander Brutus, who managed to capture Sonic but was defeated and began to have his own thoughts on world conquest. Before that though, the Miracle Planet returned and it turned out that not only did Robotnik have the means to destroy the Metallix to begin with but Sonic was forced to make sure that Kintobor was transformed into Robotnik in order for the Metallix to be destroyed. Brutus created his own army of Badniks and led a revolution against Robotnik to try and seize Mobius for himself, however he was defeated and destroyed by Robotnik, who then took control of all of Brutus's Badniks and added their might to his own.

Over the next few months, an uprising among the people of Mobius began to grow and grow as more and more of Robotnik’s schemes and plans were resisted and beaten. Robotnik began to grow increasingly frustrated with this. However he took advantage of Sonic being trapped in the Special Zone to attack the Floating Island, thanks to the evil Doctor Zachary, Robotnik now knew where the Emerald Hill Folk were and he launched an assault on the Island that almost saw the inhabitants enslaved in a giant computer. However, the Black Asteroid exploded, freeing Super Sonic and the resulting Electromagnetic Pulse wiped out all of Robotnik’s computers and Badniks. Following his rescue by Grimer and the destruction of Citadel Robotnik, the evil dictator was officially defeated. However, Robotnik built a new base on Flickie’s Island and planned to use the Flickie’s to power his new Badniks and re-take control. This plan was halted when a Drakon Prosecutor took Robotnik away to stand trial. But Robotnik managed to manipulate the Drakon’s into helping him build an army of Knuckles Metallix to take control of Mobius again by promising the Drakon the Chaos Emeralds.

After some underhanded scheming with Grimer, Robotnik was once again able to absorb the powers of the Chaos Emeralds and proceeded to alter time so that he could rule the Planet for a lifetime. However, Robotnik was tricked by Sonic into losing his powers and Robotnik shrank away to nothingness. Robotnik found himself in the micro universe of Shanazar where he regressed back into Ovi Kintobor. However, Robotnik soon resurfaced and Kintobor was no more. Robotnik manipulated the Princess Kupacious into keeping Sonic distracted so he could merge Shanazar with Mobius. The operation was a success but Robotnik did not emerge supreme ruler and he and Grimer quickly fled to one of the new Zones formed by the merger.

Following the defeat of his devastating Splitzoid, Robotnik joined forces with the Plax to absorb power from the very Planet itself. Robotnik had won, Sonic was on the verge of defeat but the Doctor was defeated when Shortfuse The Cybernik caused all the power to be drained from Robotnik and back to the Planet. The explosion caused Shortfuse to be set free and it looked as though Robotnik had perished. This was not to be as Robotnik fled back to his hidden base and sank into a deep depression. Hoping to cheer his master up, Grimer unleashed Chaos, who proceeded to absorb the powers of the Chaos Emeralds. Robotnik and Grimer attracted Chaos to their Fortress by grabbing some of the jettisoned Emeralds. Robotnik had nothing to do with the fight against Perfect Chaos; he resigned himself to wanting to see the end of all life on Mobius. This revelation of Robotnik’s insanity caused Grimer to quit his employee. However the end did not happen as Robotnik had hoped, as Chaos was defeated and Super Sonic as merged back with Sonic. Once and for all, Robotnik was defeated.

Species: Human

Residence: Pre-dictatorship: Hidden bases located all over the Planet. During Dictatorship: Sky Fortress, Special Zone, Citadel Robotnik- Metropolis City. After Defeat: Flickie’s Island, Drak, Shanazar, deep within a hidden Zone, secret Fortress

Alignment: Evil

Friends: None, Grimer is his right hand man.

Enemies: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Johnny Lightfoot, Porker Lewis, Shortfuse The Cybernik, Tekno, Vector, Mighty, Charmy Bee, Espio, the Emerald Hill Folk, Brutus, Drakon Empire, Brotherhood Of Metallix

Likes: Power

Dislikes: Sonic, Freedom Fighters, resistance

Abilities: Scientific genius

Weaknesses: Partially insane, over confidant, obese, childishness

Introduced: “Enter: Sonic”