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Miles “Tails” Prower

Name: Miles “Tails” Prower

Bios: Miles Prower is a native of a dimension known as the Nameless Zone. He lived a very difficult life due to his unique two tails, which were the source of bullying from people like Witless Chris. However, Miles found that he could spin his tails like a propeller and fly for short periods of time, this discovery led him to actually save Witless Chris from a bad fall. Some time later, Miles fled the Nameless Zone to seek his fortune in the Emerald Hill Zone, childishly believing the streets were paved with Emeralds. He landed in a swamp and almost drowned but he was pulled out by Sonic, who took a shine to him and nicknamed him Tails, from that day the two have been close friends as Tails followed Sonic all over in his fight against Robotnik.

Tails has found that accompanying Sonic can be adventurous but also very dangerous, as Robotnik once captured him and turned into Robofox and he almost helped Robotnik to destroy Sonic before breaking free from Robotnik’s control. Tails also went with Sonic to take care of the Death Egg and witnessed Sonic’s transformation into Super Sonic in the Oil Ocean Zone before going with Sonic, Johnny and Porker to the Special Zone where they were all transported six months into a Robotnik-ruled future where Troopers patrolled the streets. Tails almost fell for the dupe Robo-Robotnik and was hooked up to a dream machine that tried to brainwash him as well as once again trying to control Super Sonic in the Hill Top Zone. Tails was unable to help Sonic when he was trapped with Amy on the Miracle Planet and has also found himself in a lot of bother as the Enchanter Kings from the Nameless Zone called Tails back to battle the evil Trogg, under the impression that Tails is a hero on Mobius.

Following the fall of Robotnik’s Death Egg, Tails flew Sonic in the Tornado to find out what became of the Doctor. This led the two to the Floating Island and, indeed, Doctor Robotnik, under the protection of the duped Knuckles. As Sonic and Knuckles fought, Tails released a giant net and captured Robotnik. However, Robotnik’s imprisonment didn’t last long as Knuckles rescued him from the Freedom Fighters secret base. Sonic and Tails followed and they arrived to witness Robotnik absorbing the power of the Chaos Emeralds, which gave him the power to turn Tails into glass! Luckily, Knuckles turned on Robotnik, removed his powers and defeated the evil Doctor.

After Robotnik stormed the Freedom Fighters base and they journeyed across the Zones of Mobius under the guise of “Bob Beaky’s Travelling Circus”, Robotnik ran a simulation of the power his new Death Egg would have, a simulation that saw Tails being incinerated! However, this never came to pass as Sonic and Knuckles defeated the Death Egg. Tails found himself lost in the Chemical Plant Zone, where he met Sab and her underground resistance against Robotnik. Claiming Tails to be a “Zonerunner” they teamed up to defeat Nutzan Boltz. While Sonic and the others were busy fighting the Brotherhood Of Metallix, Tails found himself fighting side by side with Knuckles, posing as Sonic, against Trogg and The Dark One in the Nameless Zone. After he returned, Tails proved himself useful by destroying Robotnik’s Spinball Murder Machine and helping a loud youth named Tantrum get back home by fighting Fleabyte The Bounty Hunter. He also discovered that Commander Brutus was planning a revolution and managed to help the other Freedom Fighters in battling Brutus’s forces.

Tails found himself in the firing line when Super Sonic tried to kill him and the Freedom Fighters, however, using himself as a diversion, they were able to separate Super Sonic from Sonic, an action that caused Sonic to be trapped in the Special Zone as he fought the demon. As Sonic tried to find a way home, Tails began to build his confidence and make a name for himself as an underground hero by fighting the likes of Fleabyte, Metamorphia, Slimy, Grimer and Max Gamble in various Zones. Tails soon hooked back up with Amy, Johnny and Porker and they were joined by Shortfuse The Cybernik and began to rally Mobius to fight back against Robotnik. A fight soon won as Sonic returned from the Special Zone to fight Super Sonic, who had escaped from the Black Asteroid and caused Robotnik’s computers to be wiped out by an Electromagnetic Pulse and thus defeat the evil Doctor.

Following a recovery from a brief spell where he was hypnotized into being Super Cool, Tails convinced Sonic to fly to Flickie’s Island. Though he was sceptical about listening to a birdie, Sonic found that the advice was right as Robotnik was on the Island and he was using the Flickie’s to power his new Badniks. However, before they could fight properly, a Drakon Prosecutor came and took Robotnik away to stand trial. When Robotnik returned with his new Badniks and a new Metallix based on Knuckles, Tails followed him and Sonic to Planet Drak where the Drakon’s were putting Sonic on trial for destroying their Sentinel a few years earlier. Thanks to Tails, the Metallix was defeated and Sonic was set free.

After his return to Mobius, Tails returned to underground heroing and encountered The Leaf Thief who almost had Tails wrongly imprisoned. He also battled Windy Wallis and teamed with Sonic to face Megatox once again and Hobson and Choy as well as the Drakon’s, who invaded the Emerald Hill Zone looking to find out the whereabouts of the Chaos Emeralds.

After Tails’s continuing adventures on his own, he found himself erased from history when Robotnik absorbed the power of the Chaos Emeralds. Luckily, Sonic and Knuckles defeated the evil Doctor and Tails returned to life. As Sonic battled in the Special Zone against Root, Tails took out various villains and no-good nicks like Doctor Genius, Rat Brat, the Skeleton Crew and the Goblin Overlords before joining the fight against the invaders from Earth, who were driven back by the very Planet itself. Whilst Sonic fought to escape from Shanazar, Tails kept up the fight all over the Zones of Mobius until Robotnik succeeded in merging Mobius with Shanazar and then proceeded to use the Plax’s technology to drain the life energy from Mobius, Tails was one of the Freedom Fighters who banded together to help keep the citizens safe while Sonic and Shortfuse defeated Robotnik at the source.

Tails was also on the mission to fight Chaos and, after Johnny’s brave sacrifice, tried to convince Sonic that his fight was a good one and blaming himself was the wrong idea. Tails managed to survive the attack on Perfect Chaos and, as the final victory was won, he finally won a measure of respect for his age from his hero, Sonic.

Species: Two-tailed Fox

Residence: Emerald Hill Zone, Green Hill Zone, formally The Nameless Zone

Alignment: Good

Friends: Sonic, Johnny, Porker, Amy, Knuckles, Tantrum, Shortfuse, Charmy, Mighty, Vector, Espio, Tekno

Enemies: Doctor Robotnik, Vermin The Cybernik, Commander Brutus, Chaos, Fleabyte, Max Gamble, Nack, The Leaf, Sleek, Trogg, Witless Chris

Likes: Freedom, Sonic, responsibility

Dislikes: Being treated like a child

Abilities: Flying, Spin Attack, Quick thinking, (very) basic swordsmanship, Piloting skills, Speaks “Tweet”

Weaknesses: Young, easily scared

Introduced: Name: "Enter: Sonic". Seen: “Robofox”