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Welcome to the most complete, comprehensive A-Z of Fleetway's Sonic The Comic comic book series to grace the Internet.

This Encyclopedia is currently incomplete, but as more entries are written, new updates will be posted on this page informing the progress of the Encyclopaedia.

Please feel free to browse the site and the links and take the time to sign my guestbook, thank you and enjoy.

- SkSpAwN (Webmaster)


14/01/05: Updates for letter R- Receptionik, Red, The Retro-Block, The Retro-Orbital-Chaos-Compressor (ROCC), Rexon Badnik, Robofox, Robo-Robotnik, Doctor Ivo Robotnik, Robotnik's Space Satellite, Robotnik's Special Zone Headquarters, Roller Badnik, Ruff The Puppy. Updates for letter S- Sammy Badger, Scrap Brain Zone, Robotnik's Seismatron, Steve Owl, Stripes Junior The Badger. Updates for letter T- Terra-Droid. Updates for letter U- The Unbeatable Foe.

13/01/05: Updates for letter N- The Nameless Zone, Never Lake, Newtron Badnik, North Cave. Updates for letter O- Oil Ocean Zone, The Omni-Viewer, Orbinaut Badnik, Oscar The Pig. Updates for letter P- Captain Plunder, Porker Lewis, Portable Badnik Processor.

12/01/05: Updates for letter J- Johnny Lightfoot, Joe Sushi, Jungle Zone. Updates for letter K- Kid Rabbit, The Kintobor Computer, Doctor Ovi Kintobor, Kintobor's Underground Laboratory. Updates in letter L- Labyrinth Zone. Updates in letter M- Marble Zone, The Marxio Brothers, The Master Sentinel, Mecha Sonic, Mega Mack, Megatox, Metallix, Metamorphia, The Metropolis City Zone, Miles "Tails" Prower, The Miracle Planet, The Misery Zone, Planet Mobius, Mobius Rings, Motobug Badnik, The Mountain Of Destiny, Mystic Cave Zone, The Mysterious Traveller. Updates in letter S- Sonic's Secret Underground Base.

11/01/05: Updates for Letter A- Amy Rose, Arach-Bot. Updates for letter B- Benny Rabbit. Updates for letter C- Casino Night Zone, Caterkiller Badnik, Chaos Emeralds, Chemical Plant Zone, Chicio Marxio, Clucker Badnik, Crawlton Badnik. Updates for letter D- Death Egg. Updates for letter E- Emerald Hill Folk, Emerald Hill Zone, Robotnik's Engine Of Destruction, Evil Sonic. Updates for letter F- Filch The Poltergeist, Flasher Badnik, The Frozen Zone. Updates for letter G- Golden Rings, Grabber Badnik, Green Hill Zone, Grimer, Grouchio Marxio. Updates for letter H- Harpio Marxio, The Hidden Zone, Hill Top Zone. Updates for letter I- Inter-Zone Exchanger.

10/01/05: Updates for letter A- Amy Rose, Aquatic Ruin Zone and Aquis Badnik. Updates for letter B- Ballhog Badnik, Batbrain Badnik, Bob Beaky, Burrobot Badnik and Buzz Bomber Badnik.

07/01/05: Created the A-Z pages with listings

06/01/05: Created the main pages and uploaded link images

*Link To Ultimate Fleetway Sonic Encyclopaedia*

*Link To New Sonic Adventures*

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Disclaimer: Fleetway Comics are/were made in the UK, all copyrights belong to them with no infringment intended. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA/Sonic Team. All information presented on this site, whilst taken and based on said Fleetway comics, is written and produced entirely by myself, so don't steal it and claim it as your own! New Sonic Adventures comics are designed by me and based on the characters created by SEGA/Sonic Team for entertainment purposes only. Credit to all those out there who ripped sprites and backgrounds used in my comics. Give Credit where it is due, Thank You. -SkSpAwN