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Main Cast

The main people you see almost every day.

Rockman Light
Rockman, or Rock, is a very out going and friendly robot. Time and Time again he has fought to protect this world and beaten back Dr. Wily and Forte. Despite this Rock hates to fight, and will always avoid a fight if possible. His favorite things to do are to read and help Dr. Light in his lab.

Blues Light
Blues was the first robot the Dr. Light and Dr. Wily built. He was also is prototype for all the other robots. For some unknown reason he left the lab only a few days after he was actives. No one really know much about him, although he does come to Dr. Light's lab from time to time. But he never stays for long.

Roll Light
Roll is the youngest of all the light robots. Her two older bothers are very protective of her so she is more the a bit naive. Roll's main job is the clean up Dr. Lights lab, witch she does with amazing speed. As a result she has an compulsive need to clean anything that is dirty. Her favorite things are flowers, sunshine, and fresh air.

Forte Wily
Forte was made by Dr. Wily, with the sole purpose of defeating Rockman. Because of this he holds a deep seeded hatred for Rockman, and would do anything for the chance to kill him. No much else is really known about Forte.

Secondary Characters

People that don't show up too much, but that doesn't mean that they are not important to the story.

Dr. Thomas Light
Dr. Thomas Light is most famous for building Rockman, the robot that has saves the world many times. In his youth, Dr. Light worked with Dr. Wily to develop the first fully functional and fully aware robot, Blues. When Blues run away, Dr. Light and Dr. Wily went there only ways. Dr. Light went on to built Rock and Roll. He now considers all three of there robots his children. Lately Dr. Light has been working on a top secret project that he has not even told his children about.

Dr. Albert Wily
Dr. Wily was once Dr. Light’s partner and help to make the first nine robots, but then he turned on Dr. Light and stole six of the nine robots and try to take over the world. He was stop by Rockman. Since then Dr. Wily has try to take over the world seven more times, but each time Rockman and his family has stopped him. He hasn’t made any new attacks in a few years; so many people think that he has most likely given up. In reality he has been plotting his next attack. One that will most likely sent the whole world into a tail spin.

Gospel is Forte’s mechanical wolf companion. He has a dog like personality and is fairly simple minded. He only listens to his master and follows Forte where ever he goes. Gospel cannot talk, however he can communicate with Forte using encrypted frequencies.

OOC Only

People that only appear in OOC.

Suzama Wolf
The author of this comic. When she is in the Comic she doesn't do a whole lot, mostly points people in the right direction. She does have a problem with acting at random at times.

Charey Wolf
Charey is the author's little brother and love to be the center of attention. He is also very nit-picky about the everything in the comic.

Zeneth Maul
Not much is known about Zeneth, besides the fact that he is an idiot.
