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Roll's Upgrade

001 - It Starts...

002 - Brotherly Love...

003 - Remember, Chores Always Come First.

004 - Booting up

005 - Blues Drops In

006 - Hacking

007 - Assumptions

008 - Roll's Awaking

009 - A Jewel of an Explanation

010 - Trust

Wily's Plan

011 - Upgrades

012 - Time Machine

013 - Unwanted Questions

014 - Explaining the Basics

015 - Meet Gospel

016 - Powering Up

017 - Project Final Will

018 - Leaving

019 - Planning


020 - Finding a Place

021 - Transformation

022 - Slow Start

023 - Missing the Basics

024 - Blaster Basics

025 - Too Much Power

026 - At The Lab

027 - Recharging

Time Trip

028 - Arrival

029 - No Time For Rest

030 - Talking With Rock

031 - Leaving

032 - The Whistle

033 - Up To Something

034 - Believable Explanation?

035 - No Pets

036 - Heading Back

037 - Reporting In

038 - No Rest For The Wearily

039 - The True Mission

040 - Timing

041 - Reflections

Light's Reflection's

042 - Back At Training

043 - Time For Some Dinner

044 - Turning In For The Night
