Welcome to our site Things to know about Fun Lair

When an Englishman invites you to visit him he says: "Welcome in my house! But don't forget: my home is my castle." We invite you to visit our web site, we offer you jokes, funny stories and cartoons. We expect you to come to our fun factory to amuse yourself and eventually to change experience with us. So, welcome to Fun Lair, but don't forget…

  1. The site has "explicit content".
  2. We are protected by the copyright law.
  3. We would appreciate it, if you would send us some jokes, pics, stories... to do that e-mail the webmaster at sysos@go.ro.
Cool Games and Programs Visit our "Jokes Section"!
In "PC Stuff" you can get cool games and programs to make the computer a more entertaining machine. Just click here for games or here for programs. In our "Jokes Section" you will find the most funny jokes ever. The jokes are selected by the masters of Fun, in other words... by us. So if you want to read some good jokes click here!
The Humorous Gallery... Sponsors and Links The funniest Stories
If you want to see some funny pictures, cartoons etc. etc., just click here. If somebody wants to support the site pleas contact the webmaster at: sysos@go.ro.
For the moment there are only links to the web sites who helped the webmaster creating the site.
The perfect place to go to read some funny stuff about things what happen or could happen. The stories are rated so that you can select only the most funny of them. Your just one click away to read the funniest stuff you ever heard.