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Quick Karu Facts & FAQ

Here's where I tell you a bit about myself. Otherwise known as the part no one reads. n.n And also some questions people ask meh.

Name: Karu Leonnese
Nicknames: Karu-chan, Carly, Taru, Trin, Rune
Family: Parents (divorced), Younger Brothers (Kit-16, Jon-15)
Pets: Cat (Meiko), Dog (Not mine.Dang thing bit meh...-.-o Jack)
Preference: Undecided
Fave Music: Techno, 80's-90's, J-Pop...basically anything
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, singing, acting, surfing the internet, lightswitch raving, playing video games, ranting
Sports: Volleyball, Softball, Martial Arts
Fave Color: Olive Green (i.e. the background n.n)
Fave Games: DDR, EZ2Dancer, Final Fantasy 3/6,7,8,9, Legend of Dragoon, Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill
Fave Comics/manga: Johnen Vasquez, Dragon Knights, CCS, FAKE, Love Hina, Vampire Game
Fave Anime: Sonic (yeah, I consider that anime), Hellsing, Slayers, Love Hina, just about everything I watch n.n
Fave Food: Ramen noodles and chocolate
Least Fave Food: Liver, Onions and Mushrooms
Fave Drink: Iced tead, chocolate milk and soda
Likes: Furries, paranormal activities, vampires, Shakespeare, plastic bracelets, jewelry in general, yaoi, plushies, D&D-esque games, role playing, odd outfits, platform shoes, jade, cosplay, gel pens, that little strand of hair that's always in your eyes
Dislikes: Homophobes, closed-minded people in general, The Animatrix, arcade hogs, telephones, conforming
AIM: TrinculoSagasha
YIM: karu_plushie_chick

FAQ(so the people that skipped the bio can still notice this n.n)

Q:Art/Link Exchange?
A:Sure! n.n

Q:What supplies do you use?
A:Whatever I can get. n.n Mostly pencils and copier paper, ink with fine-line pens .03. Sometimes I use gel pens. And sometimes I work in a sketchbook...tho they keep getting stolen. To color it's usually Crayola Supertip Markers or colored pencils. I don't use any comp tools yet, but I'm soon to get ahold of Photoshop. n.n PH33R...

Q:Can I use some of your art?
A:I have no problems with using any of my piccehs, just give credit, mmkay? n.n I have a crack team that looks for that. As in a team on crack. And if I see it, I'll spam you to death.

Q:Are these charas based off people?
A:Some of em are, to an extent. I take a basic part from a friend of mine and tweak it a bit. n.n Mostly without telling them either. But as far as some things go, like, the charas preferences, I wouldn't do something to the charas I know the person would beh uncomfortable with.

Q:Can I be in it?
A:Nope. Sorry, but I'm trying to keep the cast as small as possible.

Q:Is Trin supposed to be you?
A:Not really. He's just most like meh.
