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Name: Remy LeBeau

From: New Orleans, Louisiana                                     

Nationality: Cajun

Affiliation: X-Men, Thieves Guild

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #266

Powers: The ability to kinetically charge non organic matter, causing the matter to explode.

Weapons: playing cards, bo staff


Remy was taken from the hospital as a newborn and raised by the thief Jean Luc LeBeau. He raised to boy to be a thief. As Gambit grew he became smitten with a girl from a rival guild. Her name was BellaDonna Beudreaux. In an effort to unite the guilds the two were forced to marry. The night of the wedding was a fateful one indeed. Remy and Julien, Bella's brother, got got in a brawl. It was a fight to the death. Remy killed Julien and was banished from the guilds. He left.


Mist recently he and Rogue are powerless and are residing in Villa Soleada, Ca. However they still fight along with the X-Men when they are needed.