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Necromancy: The art of playing with the dead
Avenue for getting chicks or the anti-aphrodisiac

Author: Weasle

Date: Sometime in October

Well hello. This is my first rant for this site and I really wanted it to be special. So I went though my many failed experiments and ideas and I found this one, 'Is necromancy a way to get chicks?' This is a question that has racked my brain for several days and irritated both Kendo and Pettore. They feel it has a clear-cut answer- it is definitely not the way to get women! I, however, disagree.

As we all know by watching movies and anime all day alone in our basements. Hiding from that large orb in the sky… the… the umm… sun. The power a man has over legions impresses the chicks. With these legions many females will make the connection, "If he has legions he must ipso facto have lots of money!" Money IS the ultimate aphrodisiac. With this in mind I find it hard to believe that necromancy isn't a potential way to get chicks.

Mastery in the necromantic arts allow for a nearly unlimited supply of completely faithful zombie legions. In addition any loot they plunder goes straight to you: no wages no benefits, all they ask is their share of the human brains. Which in the process of leading your zombie hoards will not be in short supply. Thus the wealth you amass will be substantially more than the average power hungry overlord who has these large overhead expenses. Necromancy also allows the ability to talk to the dead. This can afford many advantages, such as but not limited to: gaining info from fallen foes and destroyed past boyfriends. Thus one can only assume that women should be flocking to the average necromancer.

I do see the inherent difficulties in using zombies to get chicks. First and foremost the smell is a big turn off. A man who smells of rotting human flesh will turn off most of the females on the planet. Trust me no amount of potpourri will cover up this smell. There also seems to be a consensus that zombie servants delivering drinks, occasionally dropping rotting bits in the drinks, is never a turn on. Even when it is agreed ladies like servants. Strange isn't it?

Altogether I feel that with some work necromancy is a plausible way to get chicks. Unfortunately it is a lot of work and thus may not be the easiest method. Plus as an average geek, my time is already filled with Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons and avoiding the light of day.

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