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Things Fans Say Is A MUST For The Actress That Would Play Jack's Girl In The Next Movie:

Ok... this page is basically my view and I hope Jerry Buckheimer 'might' listen to this. In the last film Will Turner got the girl. But in the next film I liked to see Jack Sparrow find a gal he likes. Now let me clearify that I do NOT mean Jack gets married! Come now let's not over do it! I just mean it would be fun to give him a spirited gal to flirt with. Now I have some precise ideas on what type of actress should be considered. First, please do NOT give Jack scared deer face girl. I mean don't give him that type of gal who is like my age (in her 30's) but looks and and acts like she 11 and looks like she should have a Hellow Kitty back pack. Ok, I think you know what type I am talking about. No, she should be all women, tall sexy and thus here are my two top picks.


Monica Bellucci is tall and sexy and has long dark hair. Besides the right looks, in the way of talent she has a nice combination. Like Johnny Depp, Monica has played in a number of time period films, like the French thriller "Brotherhood of the Wolf." Yet, she has played box office action as in "The Matrix: Reloaded." On top of this she has played in the Academy Award Nominated "Malena." So this is a nice balnced combination of action movie role, time period movie, and dramatic film.


My other recommendation is Catherine Zeta Jones. Here too, we have the tall, long haired sexy look that is right. As far as acting, Catherine gained praise, winning Best Actress in "Chicago". She played the timeless role of sala in "The Phantom." As far as time period films in 1992 she played in Christopher Columbus and as far as fanasty/action/adventure who can forget her firey role as Elena in "The Mask of Zero." Hey see, she already is trained in how to use a sword! I must point out something my friend Bernie reminded me of..."Also I'm not sure if you knew this or not but Catherine Zeta-Jones actually was in one of the episodes of Young Indiana Jones Chronicles as well. I have that episode on tape. She plays an Arabian woman that tries to tempt Indie and is working for the Nazi's"...That's for reminding us. It's been along time since I watched our Young Indy collection on tape!

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