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Angel's Bio.

Angel's mutant powers are flight with wings, hallow bone structure that lets him carry heavy things, and healing through exchange of blood.

Angel's real name is Warren Worthington III. Warren's father was a millionaire entreprenuer, who was part of the Hellfire Club with Sabastion Shaw.

Angel was recruited by Charles Xavier to be one of his first X-Men, whom were: Cyclops, Iceman, Beast, and Jean Grey.

Angel fought with the X-Men on many battles.

Later, Angel left the X-Men, revealed his identity, inherited his father's fortune, and started a team called the Champions in Los Angeles.

Later, Angel left the Champions and joined the Defenders with old teammates: Beast and Iceman. The Hulk, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Sub Mariner were on the Defenders too. Angel owned the teams estate in Colorado with his girlfriend, Candy Southern.

Later, Angel was captured in the Morlock Tunnels by Callisto in order to be her mate. The X-Men came to rescue him. Storm challenged Callisto to a duel, for Angel's release, and leadership of the Morlocks. Storm won, and she formed a good friendship with the Morlocks.

Later, Angel reunited with his old X-Men teammates when he joined X-Factor, which is a mutants working for the Government team.

Later, Angel had his wings destroyed by a couple of Mauraders: Harpoon, and Blockbuster when he was in the Morlock Tunnels again. Angel was with his team, X-Factor, whom were trying to save the Morlocks from the Mauraders in the 'Mutant Massacre'. Angel's wings were so badly beaten that they had to be amputated.

Angel wanted his wings back badly, and made a deal with Apocalypse, which was to serve as one of his 'Four Horsemen', in order to get them back. Apocalypse used a machine that wouldn't kill Angel in the process of getting his wings back, but Angel's wings turned into metal with his skin turning blue. Archangel was 'Death' of the 'Four Horsemen'. Archangel fought X-Factor, but they defeated Apocalypse and his 'Four Horsemen'. Soon, 'Death' came to his senses, and returned to X-Factor with a new name, Archangel.

Later, Archangel's team transferred over to the X-Men with a new team replacing them on X-Factor.

Later, Archangel fell in love with an African American cop, Gabrielle Jones.

Later, Archangel fell in love with Psylocke.

Later, Archangel's metal wings were badly beaten by Sabertooth when he was trying to apprehend him. Archangel was drawn to a church where Ozymandius was at. As Ozymandius told Archangel what was happening with him, Archangel's metal wings shed into his original wings.

In the "Twelve" storyline, Apocalypses old "Death" failsafe awoke in Archangel, and caused his arms to turn inhuman with flaming wings and a healing power when Psylocke was still psychically linked to Wolverine, and erased his brainwashed mind of being Apacalypse' Horseman, the new "Death".

Later, Archangel was the leader of the X-Men, for a short time. He went on a mission with the other X-Men, for a distress call from Juggernaught in Ireland. Juggernaught needed help against his partner in crime, Black Tom. The X-Men's plane crashed, and Archangel was badly hurt. Then Black Tom caught all of the X-Men in his vined body, and sucked the life out of them. Iceman froze Black Tom with Nightcrawler's help; thus, everyone was released. Black Tom crashed with the stoned building into the sea, and the X-Men escaped. Juggernaught joined the X-Men. However, Archangel's blue skin was sucked away from Black Tom.

Later, Archangel went on a mission with Husk in order to find out about all these deaths in town. Archangel found out it was Maximus Lobo, a former employee of Archangel's father's company. Archangel and Husk fought against Lobo and his wolves. Archangel had to flee with Husk to the woods because they were too badly injured. Husk had to make Archangel heal himself because he was about to die. The X-Men stopped Lobo and his wolves eventually.

After that, Archangel and Husk fell in love. Archangel and Husk left the X-Men for a long time, but showed up together when they fought Viper in Africa.

I used various X-Men related comic books from my personal collection, and the Ultimate X-Men book by DK for reference.
