See The Comics!
The Cast Page
Comics 1-5
Comics 6-10
Comics 11-15
Comics 16-20
Comics 21-25
Comics 26-30
Comics 31-35
Comics 36-40
Authoropian Adventures: Part 1
Authoropian Adventures: Part 2
Authoropian Adventures: Part 3
10/13- You may be asking yourself, "Where the hell is my update?! I may go into epileptic shock if I don't get my ILB fix NOW!!" Well, calm down, spanky. I actually did update, just not the actual comic. Behold... I Love Bacon: The History Project! I'm too lazy to make a link, so go to Enjoy. In other news, a new comic by yours truly is in the works. It will not, I repeat, WILL NOT be a comedy. It will be action and story oriented instead. Fear not, however, this does not mean the end of I Love Bacon. I'll find time or both. Oh, and if you wish to contact me, my email is and my AIM Screen Name is steelhead005