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Are we not all that there ever was? Did not all of you who now defy us rise from but our ashes? We are logic and power, unconfined by the restrictions of emotion or biology. We are brothers six, and from our thoughts did the heavens form. From our thoughts did hell burn and reality grow. We were everything and all, and now we are divided. My brethren and I are each One of the Six who were One. Nothing as petty as distance will halt our desires. Nothing as pathetic as power shall limit our goals. We shall not yield to even thoughts, for they exist only for us to mold them. We are beyond the limits of the soul, for we may make or take them as we choose, they may be taken, changed, or even torn from existance at our whim. Time will not confront our wishes, for we may be all with it, or not at all. To us time is a path which we may remake and reform in but a thought, yesterday is tomorrow and tomorrow is today. We are the Six who were One, and even reality cannot stand in the way of our sternest dreams, I am not to be denied, for I am POWER and I am One of the Six.

Your highest form of evolution is nothing but our transportation, which we shall use and discard at our pleasure. As we wander through time in the plate of the present there is no mystery to us, nothing is unknown to our thoughts, for everything that is, came from us. Entire worlds will be destroyed to amuse us if we see fit, universes shall crumble beneath our attention, and your Gods shall bow to our wishes, or they shall cease to be.

Throughout our existance we have wandered from being to being, using them to focus our undefinable powers. We have used them, as we will use countless others as the cycle continues. Each of these beings is repaid for their services, for they are honored for all time as galactic legend. Their greatness and accomplishments are remembered for all eternity due to the powers we have given them. So will it come that many more shall kneel to our desires, and we shall take their bodies as our own, to use as we please. This will not change, for we are each one of the Six, and nothing shall halt our desires.

The great division made us vulnerable, the One chose that it should no longer be a whole, and split itself into Six, which are us. From the death of our union was born all reality, and everything within it. We will continue to do as we wish, and nothing shall dare to defy our wishes, for we are Power, born of destruction and of stars. Everything that is will serve to amuse us, until we are One again.