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The Thanos Files

THE MIND GEM: No thought shall remain a secret to me. Every mind is mine to open and examine. I can reach out and feel the dreams of every living being in the entire universe. They touch me but do not affect me; for I am Thanos, far above such concerns. A universe of thralls.
THE TIME GEM: With it I can reach back into the primordial past or deive into the far distant future. Nothing that ever was or ever will be can hide from my inspection. And if I find anythign which offends, I can modify it to fit my every need or want. Infinity is clay waiting for me to mold it.
THE SPACE GEM: Distance becomes a mere intellectual concept. I consider the possibility and I am there. I can be everywhere or nowhere. Space is mine to do with as I wish. The very heavens will rearrange themselves to conform with my sense of aesthetics. I foresee a new universe on the horizon.

THE GEM OF POWER: It backs the might of the other five jewels of infinity. This beauty makes all things possible. it draws strength from the ends of infinity, it enables thought to become reality, It is the gem which holds what is in place. but it is also the tool that allows the five to scupt existance in any manner I choose. With it I need fear nothing.
THE SOUL GEM: Once Adam Warlock used it reluctantly to steal the souls of his enemies. Like all mortals, he was a fool. He had no idea what wonders this jewel can accomplish. As with the other gems, this is a tool of manipulation. With it the very core of what life is can be twisted and bent to my fancy. With naught but a thought I could transform a race of peaceable sentients into a barbaric horde of cannibals. I can turn sinners into saints and saints into monsters. And the dead -- their souls are also within my control.
THE REALITY GEM: How can one explain the inconceivable? Few rational minds can grasp the myriad actualities possible. Scientific laws are within my power to repeal. Facts lose their meaning because they no longer have to be. Heaven or Hell, mine to choose. I dream and it will be.