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The Legend of Chibi

Chapter 1: Chibi

#1: A wizard did it
#2: Link swears. Sorta...
#3: Enter villain
#4: Pretty boy?
#5: Short notice
#6: A friend?
#7: Remember Navi?
#8: Old joke
#9: Never piss off the fairy
#10: A mysterious helper
#11: Running gag
#12: Ah, the power of rage
13: Let's check up on Link
14: Ridley?
15: Afraid to ask
16: Flashback!
17: More metroid goodness
18: End flashback!
19: Out of the wall
20: Technological know-how
21: L33t search skills
22: Not good
23: Caught
24: Girls just want to have fu-un!
25: Brave?
27: That ain't no bouncy ball...
28: Bad Pikachu!
29: Ganondorf is so mean
30: Clean freak
31: Impending doom
32: Don't even think about it
33: Shiny Ganon
34: Guess who!
35: Yoink!
36: Definately Ganon
37: Heaven?
38: Poke-what?
39: Nice Hair
40: He's Screwed
41: Slacker
42: That's gotta hurt
43: *evil grin*
44: Squee?
45: So much for Onyx
46: Saved by the Ganon
47: Nemo?
48: Can I? Can I?
49: Pikachu-hater
50: Devil Ball
51: Facing fear
52: Caught at last
53: Sucker
54: The Princess Did It!
55: Foiled again, Zelda
56: Sneaky Zelda
57: After her!
58: Mixup

Proceed to chapter 2
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