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The Shape Gang

The Shape Gang. A strange title for a comic strip, eh? Well, once you meet these lively characters, you probably will agree that it's not so strange after all. This isn't one of those movie titles like Chimpanzee Morning thats really about a Thailand girl, this comic is ACTUALLY about a gang of shapes.

I think the best way to start off is for you to understand exactly who these shapes are and what they do. There is Todd the triangle, Circle the circle, Red the rectangle, Ned the square and Libby the unusual shaped pet. They are all (for the most part) friends and just travel along doing their own thing. Now, onwards, to the character bios.


Todd is a kind and sensetive orange triangle. He believes that everyone has a good heart deep down (some are deeper than others) and they deserve to be treated like friends even if they don't treat him the same. Todd is usually soft spoken, and though smart, he does not like to make his friends unhappy and usually takes blame for any troubles Red causes. It is what makes him a favorite character of many people, and readers often will feel protective over him and have a sudden urge to slap Red or another suspect. Do not be alarmed; this is perfectly normal. (:

Todd has a pet...thing named Libby. Libby is an unususally shaped curvy animal that bounces around like a four year old sister. She must be on a leash at all times in accordance to the law, whether or not anyone is holding said leash at all times is questionable.


Circle is a depressed, rolly polly shape. He and Todd are best friends, but only because Todd likes everyone and besides him Circle has no one else to turn to. He usually volunteers to take Libby for walks with Todd, because he enjoys her company. Red likes to make Circle fele depressive and self-concious. SadSad.


Ned is a most interesting character. Narcotic, coffee addicted, and mentally instable, Ned is afraid of squirrels and believes a moneky lives in a tree in the park. None of the other shapes can see said monkey, and Ne dclaims he cannot bring said monkey to them as proof because a squirrel lives in the same tree as said monkey. Ned usually drools and acts insane, if he can muster the energy.


Red is a bully rectangle who fights a lot and gets everyone else in trouble. He has no outside feelings and only hangs around the 'shweebs' (shape dweebs) because Todd will hang on his every wit and wim and get blamed for anything Red does. Red believes he is a pirate so he wears a eye patch. In fact, he wants to be a pirate when he grows up. Most readers want to slap Red repeatedly with a sledgehammer.


Coming soon!!

Comic Of The Moment
(Last Updated January 24, 2004)

In this edition of The Shape Gang, Todd learns a lesson about Graffiti and NOT being caught.