Dear Diary,
I have a neck cramp and don't know what to do. My friend smells and I don't know what to say to her. She's plugged in right now, so she can't hear my thoughts. My other friend actually did pass out today. She gave blood and "fell asleep" then wouldn't wake up. It was a little scarry. My neck still hurts. I think I complain too much. Okay, Joey, write sdomething nice. I got accepted into ART III !!! Yaay! I should have started taking art in 9th grade, but a certain someone heard a bunch of complaints from someone else and it made me not want to take it. Why can't people let other people do what they want? Oh, no! It's Nicole and her boyfriend. Do not start getting all touchy-feely right here next to me!!! I will vomit! Anyway, my neck......