Diaries of the Death Camps

The past needs to be told over and over again. Lizzie knew that already. Helps for an assignment she had to do for school. Write an essay about someone’s diary. Easy, right? But who to do it on?

Lizzie went to the school library after class. Typical of her. Lizzie was always the good girl. Always on time for school. Did her homework. Always made good grades. Model student. Lizzie was the farthest thing from doing anything bad. But, she had a secret.

Lizzie could feel the heart stone around her neck pounding as she raced to the library. She kept it hidden under her clothes every day. Lizzie was a dragon bearer. She held the heart stone. There were two others, but we’ll get into them later. This is her story at the moment.

The girl made her way to the nonfiction section. She looked at her choices. So many books here. Lizzie took a moment to think.

What should I pick?” she thought. Some of the journals looked a little interesting. Maybe a war diary? Good enough. Lizzie kept looking at the books. Suddenly, one book caught her eyes. It looked out of place. Big and leather. Lizzie tried to reach for it. Too high. Lizzie walked down the aisle and found a step ladder. She took it over to the book and stepped up. The girl pulled the book and sat down on the floor with it. She looked at the title.

“Diaries of the Death Camps,” she read. WWII? People did bring books with them when they went to space. So, it is possible. Lizzie sniffed the book. Smells preserved. Maybe it is a WWII book. Only one way to see. Lizzie opened the book. She then took out pen and notebook. The girl read the first page.



My name is Isabelle Kimmel. I am fourteen years old. I can’t explain what happened. One minute, everything was normal. The next… we’re being invaded. It’s like a bad dream. The soldiers bust in this morning and took my father and older brother. My mother is so scared. I don’t know what to do.



We were forced out of our house. The soldiers came and forced out my mother, baby brother, and me into this truck. They didn’t tell us why. We were just forced in, no questions to be asked. My baby brother kept crying the whole way. I still haven’t seen father or Nicholas since they were taken away from us. I hope they are alright. I don’t like this at all.



I hate our new home. The hot water doesn’t work. Everything smells. The pipes leak. It’s always hot in the house. I miss my old home, father, and Nicholas. When will I see them again? When can we go home? I even miss my school. I was told people like me aren’t allowed in school anymore. What does that mean? I don’t like the sound of that.



They are moving us again. I can’t imagine where. Nothing is worse than this house. When can I come back to school? When can I see my father and Nicholas again? I miss them so much.


Lizzie read and took notes. She read on to the last page. Disappointment met her face. “That’s all?” she thought. The girl had to find out more. That was the only copy of the book in the library. Lizzie had to find more. And so began her search for the rest of the death camp diaries.
