Home Coming

          The night was heavy around Moscow. Elina Volsky sat in her den near the window eating a hot cup of borsch. She was waiting for something or someone. This was like an evening ritual. After a day of working in the hair salon, Elina would come home, heat herself some borsch, take a shower, get dressed in her pajamas, wrap herself in her dark blue blanket, and watch the house across the street while she ate. It had been a habit for months.

          At last, a navy station wagon pulled into the driveway across the street. Elina grew excited. “He’s home!” she thought. Then, she threw back her blanket, put down her dinner, and rushed outside.

          A fine young man stepped out of the station wagon. He had dark brown hair to his ears. The man was a fine stud. He was a huge playboy in Moscow. The man’s suit was perfect and neat.

          Elina hurried across the street. “Nikita! Wait!” she yelled. The man paused and turned. He saw Elina rushing towards him. Nikita tried to grin and bare.

          “Yes Elina?” he asked. The woman paused and caught her breath. You see, Nikita and Elina used to date each other. But then, they broke up. Now, Elina wants him back.

          “Hey!” Nikita’s ex spoke up. “Welcome home.” Nikita smiled uncomfortably. “Thanks, I guess…” he began. Elina smiled.

          “I watched your house while you were gone.” Elina went on. “Really?” Nikita asked. His ex nodded with a grin. “Thanks…” the man said. *Sweat drop on Nikita’s head*

          Just then, the station wagon door on the other side opened. Nikita and Elina turned to it. Another woman stepped out. She was a hot Asian beauty. Her hair was raven and down to the lower part of her back. Her body was slender with curves in the right places. Elina felt jealous. Then, the other woman turned. Her beauty increased by a thousand times. She seemed perfect. Her breasts were perky. Her face was like a porcelain doll’s with fine chocolate eyes and plump red lips. Oh! She was a goddess! The woman made Elina want to scream in rage.

          “Who is she?” the ex asked at last. The Asian woman walked closer. “Oh Elina,” Nikita spoke up as he put his arm around the Asian woman. “This is my wife, Mai.”

          Elina instantly fell into despair. “His wife?!?” she cried in her mind. “His wife?!?” “Mai,” Nikita spoke up. “This is my ex, Elina.” “Konnichiwa,” Mai spoke up. “How do you do?” “Fine,” Elina said uneasily. “Uh, nice talking to you.” Then, she quickly walked away. The married couple watched her leave. “What’s with her?” Mai asked. “No telling,” her husband answered. “No telling.”

          Elina lie in bed crying. She had lost the one thing she loved. No more kisses, “I love you”, or lusty voyages in the bedroom into dawn. Nikita, his heart, and his body belonged to another now. Her chance of love again with Nikita was gone.

          No! There was still a chance. Elina just had to sour Nikita’s marriage and steal him back. It was official. Elina decided to spy on Nikita and Mai in order to break them up.

Asian Fox