Age: 19
Snotty high-powered princess, Valentina is a girl of fashion. She is the mafia's future key leader. And she's proud of it! One problem: She had to be married in order to secure power. And her father, upon dying, finds her one man he had in mind. Only, Valentina despises her fiancée! Now Miss Thang is going to have to grin and bare her fate. The princess' mother died when she was just six years old. Valentina enjoys shopping, money, fashion, and candy.
Age: 19
A good-hearted guy, Mikhael makes friends easily. He is such a tech genius that his school made him president of the Tech Club in one month. Life was great for him until Nikkta, Valentina's father, came to his school took Mikhael away with him. Now the boy is stuck in this marriage arrangement--whether he wants to or not. And all because of his father's ties with the mafia. Mikhael is a strong-believer of true love.
Age: 45
Valentina's father, Nikkta is the current mafia boss. But alas, he is dying of cancer. If he dies, the mafia falls apart. But... There is one way to stop this from happening. His daughter had to marry someone. And Nikkta had the perfect person. So he drove by Osaka University and waited. When Mikhael came out, Nikkta "kidnapped" him and told him the deal. Now he helps Mikhael get through this.
Age: 40
Mikhael's Japanese mother, Ruri was once a beautiful girl. She met Mikhael's father while she was in high school and he was still in the mafia. After Mikhael's father left the mafia, they eloped and got married. But it was no happily ever after! For years, the mafia kept terrorizing the couple until Mikhael was born. Now Ruri has to help her son through this sick ordeal.
Age: 49
Valentina's mentor, Boris is the wise guy of the mafia. He helps Valentina take control of Mikhael and the mafia. He has eyes for Ruri.
Ages: 17-49
The Solshska is Nikkita's mafia. They basically kill people, runs casinos and love slave rings legal and illegally. Some of them are plotting to kill Valentina in order to seize the dying mob boss's power when he dies.
Ages: 18-21
The Tokyo Tech Club is the club Mikhael and Jim are in. They are finding new technology and ways to use without hurting the environment. The tech club is trying to help Mikhael through his crisis. Mikhael is the vice president.
Age: 19
Mikhael's best friend, Jim is another tech wiz. He helped Mikhael through his new school when he first moved here. Now he has decided to help Mikhael through his crisis. Jim is Mr. Funny Man of the series.
Age: 19
Mikhael's girlfriend, Akiko is a sweet girl. She loves Mikhael with all honesty. But she hates the ordeal he's been put through. Plus Valentine is trying to break them up to gain control over Mikhael. But Akiko manages to fight back and get closer to Mikhael. She dreams of starting a family with him.