Izzy Page

Age: 20

    Ah! Izzy! Lovely Izzy! This is our night queen. She came for New York to Louisiana to start a new life there. Izzy wandered the streets of New Orleans one night and cam across this old smoky bar. The bar wanted some fresh new talent. Izzy applied for a job there and got signed on to be a singer. Now, she is highly paid and has many men lusting after her. It all seems perfect. But, something is missing...

Erica Hon

Age: 19

    Erica is the youngest Night Queen of the club. Izzy sees her as a sister. Erica plays keyboard in the club. Plenty of guys want her. But the girl barely notices. Lucy trained her that way. But secretly, Erica is waiting for prince charming to come and take her away.

Lucy Brady

Age: 20

    Wise hottie, Lucy is a dancer. She befriends Izzy three nights after she gets the job. Lucy is more in check with reality then Izzy is. So she tries to bring the Night Queen to Earth. Lucy acts like the mother in the bar.

Liz Dellion:

Age: 27

    Liz is Izzy, Lucy, and Erica's boss. She is a cut throat shark. Liz has the best bar in the city. And she in tends to keep it that way. No matter what! Even if it means cheating..... well.... everyone!

Charlie Holly:

Age: 20

    Charlie is Izzy's love interest. He is a hopeless romantic. Izzy loves teasing Charlie with her body and heart. The man wants to marry the night queen and take her out of New Orleans.

Andy Jones:

Age: 18

    Andy is Erica's secret boyfriend. They see each other behind the bar after hours. Andy plans to marry her when he has enough money. He and his girl have big dreams about the future together.

Ethan Hall:

Age: 35

    Ethan is Lucy's main squeeze. He showers her with lust and gifts. Lucy likes to tease him. Ethan is a rich guy who wants his night queen to come and live with him.