The Real Crystal Power
Baal watched everything from above. She couldn’t help but to smirk to herself. “Perfect!” she thought. “Time to rope it all in!” Too easy, really. Confuse, separate, kill. The first two were complete. Now for phase three. She loved this part. Baal had been counting down to this whole moment since this plot began. She pulled out the big guns for this one. One beautiful set of fireworks coming up! Show time!
“I will have the dragon at last!” Baal thought. She began the third and final stage of her plan.
The three dragon bearers continued to trail each other. Time fasted away. They all knew that. Find each other and Fade and get out. Easy mission, right? Not anymore! All three of them could sense something bad about to happen. They stayed on their guard because of it. Couldn’t be too careful…
The bears kept on with their path when Baal’s storm began. First came the wind. Lizzie caught onto this first. She paused as she felt a cold pricking on her back. The girl froze up right away. She tried to make herself walk. However, the problem got worse.
“I can’t… move!” Lizzie thought. No matter how hard she pushed herself, she just couldn’t move. Lizzie began to panic. “Oh no!” she thought. “What’s going on?” Her body grew stiff. Baal watched on. The storm had just gotten started. Ruthie suddenly felt cold as well. It ripped through her from the inside. Not being able to move didn’t help either.
“Damn it!” she thought. “Why can’t I move?” The cold raced through both her and Lizzie. It start to crush down on their insides violently. They wanted to scream out in pain, but couldn’t. Their mouths were forced shut. Lizzie and Ruthie had to suffer in separate silence. Yet there was more to this pain. Here came the best part.
Jim’s eyes widened as he felt his body being sucked into a black hole trap. That one was sudden. None of them had time to think. It was just suck and gone! Baal grinned at her work. Now to sit back and watch the rest.
Pitch black all around. No vision. Just voices.
“Where are we?”
“Jim? Ruthie? Where are you?”
“I can’t see you guys.”
“Where are we?”
“I don’t know.”
“Can’t you do anything?”
“If I did, we wouldn’t be here.”
“He’s right, you know.” Then, came the answer.
“Use your powers of the dragon to survive.”
“Who said that?”
“What do you mean? And why should we?”
“When you use your gems together, the dragon will appear. You won’t have to die to summon it.”
“And what about our problems?”
“It’ll be fixed! Hurry now! You don’t have much time!” Silence.
“Okay. Huh?”
“Focus on each other and don’t let up!”
“We’ll try!” The bearers focused on each other with their minds. Nothing came at first. Then the lights pierced through and tangled together. Bit by bit the dragon awoke. Baal noticed this right away.
“What the hell?!?” she screamed. The dragon overpowered her quickly. The great beast devoured and crushed her from the inside. All sudden as well. She couldn’t think about how to act in time. The whole place came unraveled. The heavy black veil slowly drew up. Jim, Ruthie, and Lizzie all learned about the real power of the crystals that day. And then some! In the end, everyone came back together as kids once again. Problem solved.