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Chapter 1
He soared through the dark, cold buildings, using only a cable and his own
strength. He didn't care what anyone said, this was more exilirating than
actually flying any day. He perched on a gargoyle, a vicious looking brute
from nephilim nightmares, and looked out over the dark expanse that was
Gotham. None of his friends, of the superhero variety, understood why he
stayed here. The city had become one populated almost entirely by nephilim,
and nearly all of the seraphim had left as a result. The seraphim saw the
nephilim as lesser beings, bound to the ground. But he had grown to see them
in a different light. When his father, a powerful seraphim merchant, had
chosen to move to Gotham as many other merchants had done, he was appalled. He
would be forced to associate with nephilim, to attend school with them. But,
after only a few weeks that while the nephilim had no wings, or powers, they
were no different from seraphim. They had families, crushes, petty fights,
true love, and imagination.

And then....

Then he had seen The Batman. A nephilim legend in the flesh. It was said that
he was a nephilim who had taken it upon himself to protect others of his kind,
and anyone else who needed help. It had changed his life. He had spent years
learning everything he could of Batman, and of his helpers. Eventually, he had
found who he truly was, and was astonished. In truth, he was the most powerful
Nephilim in America. After a confrontation, and severe training, he became the
Batman's apprentice, his partner of sorts. He had taken the name 'Darkness'
for he had the ability to block light in his immediate area. He hid his wings
as well, appearing as a nephilim in his Darkness guise.

But now... Now was not time for recollection. He was tracking a crazed
scientist, who had created a device to transport oneself through universes.
The man was deranged, saying that he would destroy everything, simply because
his wife had left him. "I'll make sure she regrets leaving me, in every
universe she could possibly exist in!" he had shouted. Darkness was on his
scent though, and had followed him to the warehouse across the street.

He vaulted across the street to the warehouse roof. Sneaking in through the
roof entrance, he walked carefully down the stairs. Looking down over the
railing, he saw Dr. Strangelove prepping his machine for activation. With a
swift move, he leapt off the stairs, aimed to take out the seraphim.
Strangelove must have heard him because, just as he activated the portal to
another universe (which, oddly enough, looked like a gigantic television
screen), he spun and swung out with a long pole. The pole caught Darkness
square in the chest and he felt a rib or two break. The pole also served
another affect, knocking him into the portal. The last thing he heard before
he was lost in an endless wave of what looked like television static, was the
Dr. screaming.

"I wish I hadn't left Young Justice headquarters today..."was his last
consious thought.

Ooo. Where would Darkness be going? What's up with this freaky story anyway?
You'll ALL see in the next chapter of A New Darkness !! Yay!!
Disclaimer: uhmn. Darkness, and his world belong to me. It is based off of DC
characters. ^_^ Don't sue me! I broooooooooke!
And you can ALL thank my muse, Klarion, bum Bum BUM, the Witch boy for this.
Really. It wasn't my idea. He and Darkness just ganged up on me. It wasn't

A New Darkness

Chapter 2

To put it lightly, she was bored. To use stronger terms, she was bored
to a point JUST short of insanity. No action, no villians, no YJ meeting,
nobody stopping by, nothing to do outside, nothing in ANY city she hadn't seen
a THOUSAND times before. "Boredboredboredboredboredboredbored" ran through her
head like an unruly 2 year old.  Maybe she could go check up on Robin. Yeah,
that'd kill some time.

Right about then a giant TV screen filled with static popped up in the
meeting room of HQ, which, luckily, Secret happened to be passing though at
the moment. "What the--?!" Boredom flew out the nearest window. Out of the TV
screen flew a young man... who looked just like.... "Robin?"

After the TV had ditched it's passenger, it dissappeared in a cheesy
flash. He groaned and lay on the ground, hurting from the rather abrupt
landing on the ground, as well as the smack his ribs had gotten. "Robin?" he
heard a girl asking above him. Her voice was... rather etheral. Looking up he
saw a girl made entirely of smoke hovering over him. "Uh?" He replied. Oh
wasn't THAT intelligent sounding. She was... well, very pretty. He glanced
around, and with a start sat up. "Headquarters?! What? How? When?" Then
looking back up at the girl, "Who?"

On second thought, it wasn't Robin. His costume was different, all
shades of grey and black. And it wasn't an 'R' on his chest. It was a 'D'. He
looked up at her with a grimace, which gave way to surprise. "Uh?" he said,
then sat up with a start. "Headquarters?! What? How? When?" Then he looked
back at her. "Who?"

WAIT. Let's be a LITTLE more polite, since you have NO idea what's
going on. Right. Okay. "Um... I'm sorry, Who might you be? And how did I get
here?" There. That's better. You sound LESS like a cave-nephil. He grabbed his
side, since it felt like someone had smacked it with a metal pole. In fact it
HAD been smacked by a metal pole, but not much ELSE feels quite like that, so
we have a less than creative description. "uhmn..." the girl said, looking at
him strangely. Then, she smiled. "My name's Secret. You popped out of this
gigantic TV screen that just appeared out of nowhere and dissappeared." She
paused for a moment and looked at him closely. "Are you alright? You look like
you're in pain." Pain? Me? Naaaah. "Oof. Yeah, I think some of my ribs are
broken." He grimaced. "Did you say a gigantic TV screen? Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy." If
he fell out of a TV, that must mean he must be in some other universe. She
blinked, then said, "Wait here. I'll go get a stretcher for you to get down to
the infirmary." She was about to float out of the room, when he stood up.
"That... oof ... won't be necessary. I can walk." She shrugged as he walked
over to her. This was VERY strange. It looked almost identical to the HQ he
knew, but there were posters for this show "Wendy the Werewolf Stalker" on the
walls. Hm. He watched his guide for a moment, floating ahead of him. No wings.
A nephilim? Or maybe she changed them into that coat she was wearing? "umn...
excuse me for asking.. but what are you?" She turned and blinked at him. she
became very serious. Oh no. You've asked the WRONG question. "I'm sor-" "I'm
.... I USED to be human. Now I'm ... I don't know. " Smooth going Timothy. Ask
a sensitive question.

He reached a hand out. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry." He sighed.
Ow. Oh yeah, broken ribs. "In my world, there are 2 major races, Seraphim and
Nepilim. I'm not exactly sure what a human is." The girl, Secret, blinked.
"Uhmn... well... they look just like you." It was Darkness' s turn to blink.
Like him?

He put two and two together. So, nephilim were called humans in this
universe. Right. "This is the infirmary. If you wold go ahead on in and lie
down, I'll go get someone who knows how to work the equipment." She smiled at
him sheepishly. "Sure." He smiled back. She really was very pretty. He wen in
and lay down in a cot. It was weirding him out, being in this place. He was
sure now it was the Young Justice headquarters, but how did he get here And on
this world?

Secret floated back to the communications computer. Calling up the
first person she could think of, she called Robin. "Robin?" a moment of
silence. "Robin here. Yes, Secret?" calm, cool. Secret told him what had
happened. Another moment of silence. It was becoming a habit. "I'll be right
there. Robin out." Secret sighed.

It wasn't long before Robin arrived. He walked in and Secret escorted
him to the infirmary. The young man on the bed rose into a sitting position as
Secret floated in. His jaw dropped as did robin's when they saw each other.

Then, in unison, they said, "YOU?!"

~*~*~* End Chapter 2 ~*~*~*

Author's notes: Whooo! Longer chapter! More secrets revealed, a couple of
things, and a funny bit or so. Yay!
Disclaimer: Don't own anything but Darkness and his world. Yaya.
Heh. I hope you likes! ^_^
Next chapter: What is the deal between Robin and Darkness?! Come and see next
An New Darkness

Chapter 3

Timothy Drake (aka Robin) was in no way prepared for this.  He had
walked into the infirmary expecting to find a superhero or villian from
another dimension. But had he found something as simple as that? No. No, He
had to come face to face with himself. Geezus. So, he had reacted as expected.
"YOU?!" Pretty aptly summed up his feelings at the moment. What had gotten him
even further was the fact that his . . . double had done the exact same thing.

Timothy Michael Drake (aka Darkness) was not prepared for this. He had lain
there expecting someone else to show up. Not him. Sheesh. "YOU?!" Pretty aptly
summed up his feelings at the moment. What had gotten him even further was the fact that his . . . double had done the exact same thing.

A second or two of silence passed. Secret floated by the doorway and
looked confused. She was. VERY confused. They knew each other? And they
sounded the same! Practicly looked the same. Maybe Robin had a twin brother he
never told them about...?

"Are... you who I think you are?" Darkness asked. Robin groaned
inwardly. "I don't need anyone overhearing this..." he thought. "Uh, Secret,
could you give us a minute? Please?" he asked Secret nicely. She shrugged and
smiled. " I guess. If you need me I'll be in the living room watching TV..."
she floated out the door. Robin shut it behind her. "Okay," he turned to
Darkness,  "who do you think I am? I'd like to know who you are, as well."

Darkness collected his thoughts for a moment. Best to put it bluntly.

"You are Timothy Drake. Son of -"
"That's enough. I get it. And you are...?"
"Timothy Drake."

Robin sat down, hard, on a chair in the room. Darkness sat where he was and
held his side. Robin glanced over at him. "What happened to you?" "I got hit
in the side with a metal pole and flung into an alternate universe. Nothing
big." He smirked. "Right. Here, lets see if they're broken."

~10 minutes later~

" I just thought of something.  What'll I do here until I find a way
to get back to my own universe? Stay here, go to Gotham, or what? " Darkness
asked Tim. Robin shrugged. "Well, we're having a meeting tonight. We could ask
them then." "alright. Thanks."

~~~End Chapter 3~~~
OOOKAY! That was bad. Both Klarion and Darkness deserted me, so I had to write
this museless. Grrr. Just wait till I get my hands on them. *pulls a mallet
out of her subspace pocket *

Anyway, yadayadadisclaimers, Don't own Robin, secret, or YJ. I own Darkness
and this story. Wah-ha!

Next chapter: the YJ meeting Oooh! Ahhh!
A New Darkness