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Meg's Birthday BASH! *kraka-BOOM*


(SCENE: A large European castle. Looks like Camelot.)

(The courtroom has been decorated to accomadate 50 - 75 people comfortably, with couches, loveseats, chairs, and the like scattered around. Seated in most of the chairs are about 10 or so people, the others are off somewhere, and seated on the throne is none other than Raena)

Raena: Okay people! It's Meg's birthday-week!

Darkness: what are you planning?

Raena: A party, silly!

Darkness: Oh no. I was afraid you'd say that.

Asaba: Uhmn. Do we have to come?

Raena: Uh, no, just Darkness...

Darkness: Guh!

Raena: Klar...

Klarion: Augh!

Raena: And Kuja is pulling waiter duty tonight.

Kuja: But I was going to get my HAIR done!!

Darkness: . . . Fruit.

Kuja: I Am not!

Darkness: You're as bad as Sessoumaru.

Sessomaru: Hey! I resent that! I actually have some taste in clothes. He just wears. . . That THING. *shudder*

Kuja: Oh yeah, like spikes and a big fluffy tail are any better. *sticks his tounge out*

Sessoumahru: Why you little--!!*lunges*

Raena: *yells* BOYS! Fine. You're BOTH pulling waiter duty tonight. And if I hear of ANY fighting, I'm sending you both to Batman. GOT IT?

Sessoumaru & Kuja: *cower* Got it. *grumble*

Raena: What was that?

Sessoumaru & Kuja: NOTHING!

Raena: *glare* Okay. Everyone clear out. Darkness, you go get this half of the ML. *hands Darkness a list* Use the Estoceria portal.

Darkness: Fine. *leaves*

Raena: Klar, you go get this half.*hand him a list* And NO trouble making. Get it?

Klarion: Got it. *dissappears*

Raena: Good. Sessou-kun, Kuja-kun, you two decorate. I have to go get the present and the guest of honor. *dissappears*

Kuja: This'll be interesting.........

(Scene: about an hour and a half later. what? There's ALOT of people on the ML. The Courtroom is nearly full. the festively decorated room is filled with the sounds of chatter. Meg is sitting on the throne, greatly enjoying herself. Glock and {dixey} sit at a nearby sofa, talking about one of their favorite topics)

Glock: I'm thinking about drawing another Kon pic, but I'm not sure what to DRAW.

(Kuja walks up with a tray of various soft drinks, teas, and a pitcher of Soder)

Kuja: Would you care for a drink?

Glock and {dixey}: *wide-eyed stare*

{dixey}: Uh....

Glock: .....We'll take two Soder's, right?

({dixey} nods)

(Kuja pours the drinks and walks to the next group to be met with almost the same reaction.)

Glock: Was he wearing what I thought he was wearing?

{dixey} If you're thinking what I'm thinking, he was. O.o

(Sessoumaru approaches Kator, The Chosen One, and Darkness with a tray of snacks)

Sessoumaru: Care for a snack?

Kator and Chosen: O.o Sure. *takes a munchie*

Darkness: Thanks Sess. *takes one*

Sessomaru: *glare*

(Sessomaru stalks off)

Kator: Raena sure has some WEIRD waiters.....

Darkness: Oh that's NOTHING compared to the freaky chick she's got living here. She's INSANE.

(Zoom in on the throne and Meg and Raena talking)

Raena: I have a suprise for you Meg! *whistles to get everyone's attention* Alright! Let's bring out the cake!

(Kuja and Sessoumaru bring out a gigantic cake with the words "Happy Birthday Meg" spelled out on it)

Meg: !!!! Ooo!

(entire room sings "Happy Birthday". Th etop of the cake pops off and out pops Lobo(FULLY clothed, thank you).)

Meg: !!! LOBO!

Raena: Happy Birthday! I got you a full 24 hours with Lobo. ^^ Have FUN!

Meg: OH! THANK YOU RAE!! *hugs* C'mon Lobo! I wanna ride your hog! *drags him toward the door*

Lobo: Uh... hey, Meg...Okay.. sure. *looks over his shoulder* You OWE me, Raena.

Raena: Oh, don't be so tough. You know you like her. ^^ Scoot!

(party continues till the wee hours of the morning. Everyone trudges home tired, but happy)