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**Disclaimer: I don't own Young Justice or Penguin Mints. Wish I did. I'd be riiiiiiiiiiiich! Ah well. Don't sure me! PLEASE!**
Rating: Pg-10. It's got one semi-cuss word. O.o

Impulse, Lobo, and Mints.

    Robin stared at the room. Ohhh boy. It looked like a hurricane had hit the meeting room of the Young Justice HQ. Glitter flew off the ceiling fan, the walls were covered in. .  . something. It looked like strangely colored shaving cream. The floor was covered in papers, board games, videogames, and the assorted candy wrapper. Also, sleeping in the corner, covered in an assortment of things, was Impulse.
    "What.... happened?" Robin managed, his mouth working furiously.
    "Lobo." Superboy replied.
    "Uh?" was Robin's reply. "He gave Impulse Penguin mints." Silence. A slight snore from Bart's direction. "He gave Bart what?! Oh boy."
    "Hey Speedy! C'mere!" Lobo called, beckoning Impulse over. Bart popped up next to him.  "What?" he asked. "I got a present fer ya." Lobo grinned. It was a grin that would have made some people run away in fear. But not Bart. "Oh~! Whatisitgiveittome?!" Lobo handed over a little tin box, with the word "Penguin" on the cover. "What are they?" Bart asked, puzzled. "They're mints. You'll like 'em." Lobo replied. "Go on. Try 'em" Bart shrugged and popped one in his mouth. "Hey these are good!" he popped two more in. After a second, Bart started to twitch. Then, he ran off and proceeded to cause a gigantic mess in his fun. He didn't realize what he was doing... But the caffeine made him hyper. Hyper and super-speed don't mix well. Not well at all.
    Lobo just stood there in the doorway and laughed so hard he fell over.
    Eventually, the mints lost their effect. Bart was, not unexpectedly, very tired. He spotted a corner full of something fluffy, so he ran over there and laid down. He was asleep in an instant.
    After a second, Superboy flew in. And stared. Good God. That was his first thought. The second was: Robin's gonna be pissed. Just about the time that thought hit, he spotted Lobo lying in the doorway, holding his sides. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Kon shouted almost launching himself at Lobo. Lobo looked up at him and snickered. "I didn't do nuthin'. That bastich did it." He pointed to the sleeping Impulse in the corner. "I've never seen anything so fraggin' funny!" Lobo pulled himself off the floor and headed out the door. "Tell 'em he can keep the mints. heh"
    "Mints?" Kon asked himself, and flew over to Impulse. Clutched in one hand was a small tin box. Prying it out of his hand Superboy looked at it. "Penguin Caffinated Mints." Kon did a double take. "Caffinated?! Oiiiiii...." he slapped his forehead. Just then, Robin walked in.
~End Flashback~
END  *whahahahaa~~*
AN: Ohkay. For those who don't know, There really are penguin caffinated mints. I have some, and happened to be eating them when I wrote this. Heh. Lobo might have been a bit out of character, but I think we can all live with that. Anyway, I'd appreciate feedback.
Heh, would you believe Comedy is one of my favorite things to write? ah well.