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So. I'm sitting here, sipping hot Red Zinger tea in an attempt to ease my afflicted throat, listinging to anime music, and ignoring the downpour outside, when I come across this in my drafts Folder. All that was there was the title, and a VAGUE rememberance of what the story was originally about. Well, NOW it's a spamfic. Spamfic meaning: Short, Pointless, And Mine. Heh. We'll see how far this goes before I have to stop. Oh, and this is a demi-songfic. I'd prefer using the term spamfic for classification.

Scenes From a Pennsylvania Bathroom

Rating: PG (It's got people in a bathroom. 'Nuff said.)

Scene 1: The nicely appointed main bathroom of Young Justice HQ. steam fills the room and the sound of synth and guitar music fills the air. A muscled shadow can be seen through the steam, capped by an unruly shock of black hair.

Lobo: I thought love was
Only true in fairy tales
Meant for someone else
But not for me
Love was out to get to me
That's the way it seems
Disappointment haunted
All my dreams

Lobo dances around wildly, singing loudly to the Smashmouth song playing. Stray bits of steam and soap cover anything innapropriate. (YJFF: THANK GOD!)

Lobo: And then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her
If I tried

Lobo traces a ROUGH outline of Empress in the steam on the steamed-up mirror. Soapsuds fly through the air and a wide arc to SPLAT on the wall as Scene 1 ends.

end Scene 1

Author notes:

Right. So, I know that was short, it's supposed to be. whenever I get bored, feel like it, or whatever, I'll add another scene to This. That is, if anyone wants to see more. I've always wondered what the YJ crew sang in the shower. Heh.