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Right, so this is a pretty sappy li’l thing, but I’m a Lobo and Empress fan, and this was what popped into my head when I thought about th’ prompt. Sorry if it’s pathetic. I’d like feedback, as I don’t write very often.




“Lobo! For the millionth time! We don’t kill!”


“Aw, c’mon Bird boy, I just fragged the Bastich is all, what’s the problem?”


“The Problem,” I thought, “Is that, no matter what you call it, you just killed someone.”

The two boys continue to argue in the background.

I sigh and shift my chin to my other hand, letting my vision shift out of focus. Sure, I’ve done violent things, injured people; like that ‘Turk’ guy…but they were all bad guys! They were practically asking for it!


“But Anita,” I tell myself. “That’s how he sees it.” I gaze over at what remains of our most recent enemy. He was a nasty, that’s for sure. I probably would’ve ended up hurting him pretty badly…as would have everyone else on the team. But we wouldn’t have killed him. I drop my head down and stare at my boots.


“Why do I care anyway? Like the world will miss one bad guy.” I tell myself. But bottom line…Were the good guys. We don’t kill, and we don’t lie. We don’t plot. We’re supposed to be the ones who will always give you another chance, or at least tie you up and send you to jail. Death is pretty final.


“Duh.” Wow. All this deep thinking has really sharpened my mind. “Death is pretty final”? What kind of stupid line is that? Of course it’s final, that’s why it’s death. I lift my head and stare at our psychotic powerhouse.


“But the real problem” I admit, “Is that you’re starting to grow on me. And how can I like someone who’ll kill someone so spontaneously?” I sigh again. “Face it, Empress, the only predictable thing about Lobo…is that he’s unpredictable.”


I’ve tried to convince myself that I really didn’t like him. Maybe I was just…curious…or something. I spent our entire “date” thinking: “I’m not enjoying myself, I’m not enjoying myself…I refuse to enjoy myself…this guy is in serious need of some mental help…I wont enjoy myself.”


 But it didn’t work. Part of the charm was that he seemed so eager to please. Firstly, and this should have been obvious to everyone, he let himself be hypnotized. And get dressed up in that ridiculous teal shirt. And then there were the white roses…and the restaurant. I cringe as I think of the ‘Spontaneous Combustion’ end to our date. Like I told my father; “He’s had a rough night, and he did it for me, which was sweet.” I think that’s why I kissed him. Okay…so it wasn’t a kiss kiss…but it was my lips and his face. And I…I can’t explain it really…


Speaking of my father, what would he think if I hooked up with Lobo?


“Dad, this is my boyfriend Lobo, you remember him? Yeah…he kills people for fun. Isn’t that great?”


I have a feeling that I’d never see the light of day again. Dad would lock me in a high tower with one window in the middle of nowhere. Maybe the tower would have large briar patches around it. I wonder if Lobo would come to rescue me…


I shake my head to clear it of my Rapunzel fantasy. Right, like he’d come riding up on a white horse and ask me to let down my hair or something. I giggle, then my giggles turn to laughter, and before I know it, I’m doubled up against the side of the Super cycle, hardly able to breathe I’m laughing so hard.


The rest of the team looks over at me.


“Are you okay, Empress?”

asks Robin, a smile pulling at the edge of his mouth as he watches me trying to get air into my lungs, spastically twitching.


Somehow I manage to make the appropriate motion for “ I’m okay”


They turn away again, to continue their…talk…on the pros and cons of fraggin’.

I can only just hear Lobo’s parting shot.


“Man…what’s her problem?”