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Unrequited love is perhaps the most common form of love. At least you don’t have to go through the dumping thing.


"You make a card from your heart and give it to the person you care the most about," Wondergirl declared wisely and Impulse wrinkled his nose, scratching his head.

Glue was stuck to the floor and walls, spread hither and thither (as well as yon) from the efforts of the speedster and the other super-teens.

Empress neatly pressed a colorful flower against a red piece of cardboard, colorful decorations sprinkled about the deceased centerpiece.

"Why the hell would ya make somethin’ fer someone else?" Lobo grumbled from his position in the shadows, red eyes glowing eerily.

" ‘Cause it’s romantic," Empress tossed back, narrowly avoiding a glue-ball Superboy flicked in her direction. "Cut it off, Kon."

"I can’t get it to stiiiiiiiiiiick!!!" Impulse whined and he, frustrated, tried to throw a fake flower away from him. It remained stuck to his fingers. Shaking his fingers at a mind-numbing speed, he growled angrily.

The flower remained stuck to his fingers, even if the felt petals had been shredded by the intense winds.

"Why don’t you just vibrate?" Secret suggested softly, her voice quiet and vaporous, not surprising considering her structure.

He blinked.


Shrugging, the childlike boy’s outline hummed and seemed to shiver at a hyperactive rate. The plastic stem fell to the floor with a dull clacking sound.

He grinned widely.

"Who’re you making the valentine for?" Robin asked, pretty sure he knew the answer.


Mass blinking encircled the cave.

"What about Carol?" Wondergirl offered.

Impulse shrugged and grinned. "Preston already gave her a valentine."

Empress paused her delicate artwork and looked thoughtful. "Aren’t the girls at Cissie’s school allowed to have guys at their school on Valentine’s Day?"

"Yup! Handy, ain’t it?"

"Isn’t, Bart, ISN’T," Robin corrected.

"Whatever." With that said, the speedster vanished, leaving a sparking trail of electricity in his wake.

"I feel…so proud," Superboy said to nobody in particular. "The little man’s all grown up and wooing the girls…it’s the kind of thing that just tears me up…"

Li’l Lobo rolled his eyes as Wondergirl grabbed the clone’s arm and dragged him out of the room.

"I sense a plot…," Empress wondered aloud before quickly folding her valentine in half and teleporting into the shadows where the Czarnian stood defiantly, arms crossed.

"Come on, Lobo," she chirped, hauling him away.

Secret stopped her construction of a paper heart to stare at the now empty door.

"Did they just engage in physical contact?" Robin finally asked.

Secret, feeling her mist cheeks redden slightly, made a point to avoid looking at the leader of the group.

An uncomfortable silence descended on the room, the only sounds being Robin’s nervous whistling and Secret’s scissors cutting through paper swiftly.

"Sooooo, uh…"

"Did Spoiler give you a card?"

He mentally slapped himself.


She sighed, shoulders falling limply.

After a few more minutes of silence, Robin sighed angrily at himself.

"Look, Suzee, I’m sorry! Okay? I like you. I really do…"

She looked up, smiling and she tossed the card at him.

"Happy Valentine’s Day."

She disappeared into a crack in the floor, leaving behind a startled Robin.


End AN: Yeah, so sue me, it was short. Who cares? ;} I have Batman Beyond on the brain…