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Tough Enough for Young Justice

It was quiet at first. Almost too quiet. They were out there, waiting for them. Any minute now, the team knew that despite their better judgment, they had to confront them. There was no other option. Escape was impossible. The team braced themselves. Sweat poured off of their temples. Their muscles flexed. Their pulse raced. The Young Justice team had faced many challenges before, but none like this one. Many even questioned if they would even make it out alive. A man walked up to the team.

“It’s time,” he casually said. “This way, please.”

Robin looked over to his team. Superboy, aka Kon-El; Impulse, aka Bart Allen; Wonder Girl, aka Cassie Sansmark; and Empress, aka Anita Fite. Together, along with the mysterious Secret, and the oftentimes out-of-control Lil’ Lobo, they compromise Young Justice, the youthful team of super-heroes, ready to punish evil, wherever evil may hide. But today, evil has come out in all shapes and sizes, waiting to face Young Justice, and show them what they are truly made off.

Robin takes a deep breath. “Everybody ready?”

“Ready as I’m going to be,” answered Kon. “Are you sure we have to go through this?”

“We agreed, Kon,” replied Cassie. “As much as I wished it otherwise, we have no choice in this matter.”

“Five minutes,” growled Lobo. “Just give me five fraggin’ minutes, an’ we won’t even have to sweat this!”

“No, Lobo,” said Robin. “We do this together.”

Anita took a breath. “I think they’re waiting for us. I guess we better get out there.”

Secret shivered. “Robin, I’m scared. I don’t know if I can do this.”

“You’ll be fine Secret, I promise,” consoled Robin. “Just stick together and we can get through this.”

“This has got to be the toughest thing we ever had to go through,” said Bart. “Are you sure there’s no back door?”

“To late for that, guys,” said Robin. “It’s time.”

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” the announcer shouted into the microphone. “Welcome, to the first ever Tough Enough for Young Justice contest. In this contest, we have accepted 100 applicants to come here to WWF New York, thanks in advance to Mr. McMahon for allowing us the use of the facilities, and select one contestant, and only one contestant, to become a member of Young Justice. Stacker II, the supplement to help keep you going, of course sponsors this promotion! Also, don’t forget to visit the WWF gift shop, where copies of Chyna’s book, “If They Only Knew,” and XFL merchandise are now 75% off! But first, please let me introduce the judges of this contest, Young Justice!”

A large ovation begins to fill the restaurant as Young Justice makes there way toward the judges booths set up for them. The team seems a bit overwhelmed by the attention, but decide to play it cool. As they take their seats, Robin notices something amiss right away.

“Hey!” he shouts. “Why is there a wrestling ring there?! We’re a superhero team, not the WWF!”

“Oh yes, that,” replies the ring announcer. “Well, you see, Mr. McMahon wouldn’t allow teenage meta-humans to enter his restaurant, since he was afraid they would wreck the place, so instead we’re going to use the applicants who weren’t tough enough for Tough Enough. But there was some promising youngsters in that mix, so I don’t think you will be too disappointed!”

“Oh, Fetal’s Gizz, I saw that show,” moaned Lobo. “I can’t stand to sit through THAT again!”

“Oh, c’mon now, Lobo,” consoled Cassie. “How bad could it have been?”

“Our first contestant is Jamie from Tennessee,” calls the announcer. “Please climb into the ring, Jamie.”

The young man does so, as Robin throws out the first question. “Okay, Jamie, can you tell us why you’re here?”

“I’m here, because God sent me here.”

Kon looked at him oddly. “Excuse me?”

“It has been my calling since I was born; to be a World Wrestling Federation Superstar.”

“We’re not auditioning for the WWF,” corrected Cassie. “This is for a spot in Young Justice.”

“It is?”

“Yes,” replied Bart. “So, do you have any superpowers to speak off?”

“Well, I can apparently talk to God.”

Robin groans. “Next!”

“Uh, okay then,” the announcer calls out. “Next, we have Dustin, from Maryland. Dustin, please step into the ring please.”

“Okay, Dustin,” questioned Kon. “Please tell us why you think you should be in Young Justice.”

“Well, I want to be a role model for young kids, dying of some type of debilitating disease, everywhere.”

“Doing what?” asked Anita.

“I don’t think I understand the question.”

“Next!” Robin called out.

The announcer speaks into the microphone again. “Next we have Kristy from North Carolina.”

She begins to look at her wrist. “Take a look into my eyes…uh…and you will see stars…uh…because when you…uh…look at me…uh…”

“What are you doing?” asked Robin. “Are you reading crib notes off of your wrist?”

She giggles. “Kind of!”

“Next!” cried Robin.

“I am so ready to frag someone,” grumbled Lobo.

“Next,” the announcer calls out, “Is Robert from Massachusetts.”

“God Lord, man!” cried Kon, upon seeing his girth. “Did you ever hear of a Stairmaster? How can you seriously think you’re cut out to be a superhero?”

“I have the heart…uh, the determination…the spirit…uh…”

“Dude, you got winded just stepping into the ring!” argued Kon. “You thought you could be a wrestler too?”

Robin’s head is now resting on the podium. “Next!!”

“Okay, then,” said the announcer. “Next we have Tara, from Pennsylvania.”

“Oh, hey, I actually liked her,” said Kon. “We should keep her.”

“She doesn’t have any superpowers!” yelled Cassie. “What good is she to us if she doesn’t have any superpowers?!”

“What I don’t have in superpowers,” claimed Tara, speaking into the microphone, “I make up for in spunk. I don’t mind being nice, I don’t mind being bitchy. But I do know that if you don’t pick me, you will miss out on the nicest, spunkiest little bitch Young Justice ever had!”

At this point Kon is standing up, whistling and applauding. “Yes! Yes, she’s it! Sign her up! Everybody else, go home!”

Cassie grabs him by the collar and sits him down. “Will you settle down? Hera, you do this all this time! Besides, we still have more people to interview!”

“We do?” everyone said in unison.

The announcer clears his throat.“Uh, ahem. Okay then. Next we have sisters Esther and Yesinia, from California.”

Robin lifts his head up off the podium, and sighs. “Okay, tell us why you fell you should be in Young Justice?”

The girls then begin to lock up, and “wrestled” each other.

“Oh my,” said Secret, eyes wide open. “What are they doing?”

“I think they’re wrestling,” said Anita. “At least, I think it’s wrestling.”

“That’s wrestling?” asked Bart.

“Huh. Looks pretty good to me!” said Lobo, his tongue hanging out.

“Next! Next, for the love of god, next!” screamed Robin.

Kon slumped back into his chair. “Ah, you’re no fun, Rob.”

“Look,” said Robin to the announcer. “We’ve all been here long enough. What do you say we see one more and call it a day?”

“Oh, uh, very well,” agreed the announcer. “Next, we have Daniel from Michigan.”

“It seems that all we have here, are a bunch of pansies! You want to see a wolf man howl? Do you want to see a wolf man angry? Well then, step into the ring, and feel, the bite, of the wolf man! ARROOOOO!!!”

Lobo stands up, and slaps his head. “That’s it!! That’s all I can stand!! C’mere, ya fraggin’ bastich!!” He then jumps into the ring.

“Ahh!! Mommy!”

“Oh my,” said Secret. “Is Lobo wrestling too?”

“Ouch,” quipped Kon. “I don’t think you could categorize that as wrestling.”

Oh, man,” observed Bart. “Can you legally do that to someone’s leg?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I think he has a career in the business.”

The team turns in unison. “Mick Foley!?!”

“That’s right, kids,” answered Mick. “Hey, great job as judges. I wish we could have dismissed half of them as fast. Then I could have gotten started on my new book, ‘Through the Steel Cage Roof of Life.’ And I would have written it, right here, in New York City!” Crowd pops big for that last statement.

“So, where are you going now, Mr. Foley?” asked Robin.

“I’m going to go think of some more Al Snow putdowns,” said Mick. “And please, call me Mick.” And with that, Mick Foley bursts through a nearby wall, and disappears.

“Oh, wow,” said Cassie. “We met Mick Foley! Wasn’t that great, Kon?” She looks around. “Kon? Where did you go?”

Anita pointed over by the ring. “Check it out, mon.”

Cassie’s fists tightened. “What the…!”

And there, by the very ring that Lobo has poor Daniel in an ankle-lock submission is Kon, flexing his muscles, much to Tara’s delight.

“Hey you know, I have a power called tactile-telekinesis,” boasted Kon, completely oblivious to Cassie preparing to jump on his back.

“Next time,” said Robin, his head resting on his hands, as Secret pats him on the back, “We’ll just take an ad out in the paper.”

The End