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Dawson Young Justice versus Predator 04/03/01

Returning from a mission in Los Angeles where a group of the populace had been turned into giant bugs, and had immediatly set about eating the remaining humans, Young Justice were tired. All they wanted was a good rest, to sit down in front of the TV with a coke and watch until their eyeballs fell out. Its not their lucky day. Robin landed the cycle in the main hangar, and led his weary troops into the main room, where he found the Red Tornado waiting for them. "Robin, the internal security systems have been breached. There are a group of beings wandering around the building looking for you and the others." Robin, sighed, then snapped into leader mode. "Bart, check all the rooms. Cassie, Kon, Tornado, I want you flying as fast as you can behind him, in case he misses anything. Lobo, go back to the vehicle hangar and make sure no-one tries to sabotage the supercycle and your bike. Anita, run a check through the computer to find out where the security breach occured, and check all the monitors. Secret, you come with me and we can go check the power generator and see if we can get full security back. Allright team, lets go!" They sped off to complete their tasks.

Bart zipped from room to room, humming quietly as he looked around. Nothing in here, nothing in here, nothing in here, nothi-ooooh, Nintendo! Why hadnt Robbie told him this was here? He settled down to find out what games were on offer, muttering. "Huh! He musta said "Dont tell Bart about this, this is all for us to play on". Jerk. Let him run around and check his own rooms" He turned the machine on, and was quickly so involved in his game that he didnt notice when someone sneaked up behind him and brought a large hardwood club smashing down on his head!

Wonder Girl and Red Tornado flew their way around the complex, checking all the rooms, then headed back to the central room, where Robin was helping Empress with the compute, and Secret was sitting twiddling her thumbs. They landed, and reported. "We didnt see anyone, Robin." Red Tornado stated. Robin turned round and nodded. "Where's Bart? And where in Gods name has Kon got to?" Wonder Girl looked at him. "Uhhh...When Red said we didnt see anyone? He meant it. We thought Kon would have found Bart and they would be back here with you" Robin blinked, and groaned. "Just what I need. You stay here, I'll go look for them"

Robin methodiacally checked all of the rooms. It was a slow and painstaking process which took him ten minutes before he found any sign that Imuplse had been there. "Hmmm," he said to himself, "A Nintendo system. I wonder how long this has been here." He reached out, removing a glove, and touched it, automatically pulling away from the heat to suck his finger. It had been on for a while. He was just replacing his glove when he noticed something else. A tiny bloodstain, that looked like someone had hurridly tried to wipe it with their foot as they left. He gulped, and ran as fast as his legs would take him back to the central room.

When he arrived, he found no-one. He swore, and prayed that they had just gone to find him or something like that. No such luck. They computer program had been halted halfway through the search by someone carefully removing all the right wires, so that it would be at least half an hour before he could get the system back online. He sniffed, and could still smell Secret's strange, must smell. He raced of to the vehicle hangar to check on Lobo.

The "Top Teen" was leaning against the supercycle smoking one of his disgusting cigars when Robin sprinted in, panting and gasping for breath. "Whats wrong, birdboy?" Lobo asked, pretending that he gave a damn. "Bart...hurt,..others...gone, computer...busted" Robin gasped out. Lobo laughed. "Well, you seem to have lost your team. What a great leader you were." Robin glared at him, finally breathing properly. "When we find them, and we get rid of our "Visitors", you and I need to talk. Now c'mon, lets go help them!" With that, he started running again, through the door and up the stairs. Lobo sighed, stubbed his cigar on the side of the cycle, and walked after Robin at his own pace. "Hey, wait up squirt!" He yelled as he walked up the stairs, Robin nowhere in sight. He rolled his eyes, and kept walking.

Robin waited for nearly five minutes in the central room for Lobo. He had occupied himself by trying to get the phone working, without much sucess. As the Czarnian strolled in, Robin turned on him. "Where the hell have you been! I've been up here for hours, waiting for you!" Lobo just laughed. As Robin turned away to coninue his work with the phone, Lobo glared at the back of his head. "Lobo, I'm gonna need you to go all the way beneath here to the bomb shelter the JLA built just in case. There should be a phone down there that is not connected by the usual power lines, and we can get a message out. Think you can do that without straining your brain, Lobo? Lobo?" The Boy Wonder turned around, and was faced with empty space where Lobo had been a few seconds before. He groaned, and raised his hands. "Allright, I'm here. I'm not hiding, come and get me. Just don't hurt them" Suddenly, in the air in front of him, a head appeared, followed by a chest, a stomach, legs, feet! Around him, serveral more were doing the same. The one in front of him, who he remembered so well from all those years ago, leered at him, and said in its mocking voice "Dont hurt them!" The others all gave cruel laughs, and led him away to the cell area.

There was a click of a key in the darkness, and the prisoners sat up, looking to where they thought the door was. They were relieved to see the figure of their leader standing in the doorway, with hands on hips. Superboy scrambled to his feet, treading on Impulse and Empress on his way. "Rob! We knew you'd do it!" He jumped back in shock when he realized that his friends hands were chained to his hips, and his eyes were only half open. As he fell forward into the room, Superboy caught him, and lay him down on the floor as the door shut again. "Rob! ROB!" Superboy shouted in his ear, while shaking him. Robin grimaced, although none of them could see it on the darkness. "No need to shout, Kon, I'm fine" Secret grabbed him and hugged him. Thankful that the others couldnt see him blushing, he explained. "When I realized that the security breach came from a skylight over in the north wing, I thought whoever it was had dropped from an aeroplane. When everyone started dissapearing, I thought it was just to scare us. Then, when Lobo dissapeared I knew it was me they wamted, and I knew who they were" The others sat for a moment, then exploded with questions. "Why were they after you?" "What are they?" "Why didnt you tell me about that Nintendo?" He waited until they all calmed down, and said "They come from a faraway planet. They call themselves Predators, the greatest hunters in the universe. A while ago, two of them came after me and Batman. They like revenge. Batman told me that the elder one had led a group of Predators against the JLA in hope to get him a few months back, but they were defeated. I realized that the same thing was happening here. They were trying to draw me out and capture me, probably to take back to their planet and execute publicly" "What!"Superboy burst out, "Were all going to get killed because some alien freaks want revenge on you? Great, just great." Robin answered "No. Thats why I gave myself up. If they planned to kill you, I would have fought to the death. But they were only interested in me. You were all just a way to terrorize me. I brought along a couple of handy items that they didnt know I had picked up from one of the emergency equipment cupboards." He began taking things out of hidden pockets in his cape and costume. Some Batarangs, smoke pellets, jumpline, a torch, some of Empress's knives, and several pairs of Superboy's spare sunglasses. He flicked the torch on, put it on wide beam, and placed it on the floor, where it illuminated most of the room. He handed the equipment out, including a pair of sunglasses each. "What are we going to do with thes? Make a fashion statement?" Wonder Girl asked him. "No, Cassie. You'll need these when I set these of." He pulled out a couple of white orbs from a hidden pocket on the back of hi left glove. "Phosphor grenades. I'll throw 'em out, and that'll blind them, while we, with our sunglasses, will be bale to see perfectly. Now, everybody stand back from the door, please." He took a pair of small, magnetic mines, about the size of a fingernail, and attached them to the door, then stepped back and pressed the detonater hidden in the index finger of his right glove. BOOM! The door blew off its hinges into the hall, quickly followed by a pair of phosphor grenades. The entire area turned white, like it had just been nuked, and when normal colour returned there were a group of Predators stumbling around blindly. Robin and the others hit them like a hurricane, bowling them left and right. It only took a matter of seconds until they were all out cold.

Robin instructed them all to throw a Predator over their shoulders and follow him to the north wing. On the way, he stopped by another equipment locker and took out a yellow can, which he slipped into his pocket so fast the others didnt see what it was. When they got to the north wing, Robin located the open skylight with the Predator ship hovering above it. He supervised Tornado, Wonder Girl and Superboy loading the Predators into their own cargo hold and sealing them in. He then programmed the autopilot to take the ship back to the Predator home planet as soon as he was off the ship. Then, with the others watching, he took the can out of his pocket. It was yellow spray paint, with which he sprayed large yellow R's and Bat-symbols all over the interior of the ship. "The ultimate dishounor" He told his team, as he jumped out of the ship, and watched it power up, then dissapear into the atmosphere. "Now then ladies and gents, I think we all need some sleep" He told them.