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I don't think that she is psychotic by nature. It's the age old question of environment vs. genetics. Nature vs. nurture. Can she keep the genius and lose the madness?" - The 2nd Doctor

"When I was dead, she spoke to me. Later I get this mask." - Ukiko, 9 years

"...Just as the light in my head goes on, the lights in the room go out." - The half-Korean doctor

Official Status:
Deceased (see attached file, Kabuki #2)
Real Name: [Ts]Ukiko [Kai]
Trainslation: Ainu - Rain Child
Current Status: Ukiko is alive and in hiding, gone underground. Kabuki is also alive and well in the public's eye. However, the first being known as Kabuki (wanted for the murder of Ryuichi Kai, the Noh Board of Directors, and General Kai) has been listed as dead by all government agencies, with her death recorded on video tape.
Mother's Name & Lineage:Tsukiko, Ainu from Hokkaido
Father's Name & Lineage: Ryuichi Kai, Japanese warrior class
Other Family: Grandfather Kai (The General), Dove (?), Akemi (spirit-sister), Kabuki (alter-ego), The Noh (the evil stepsisters)

----Are you confused yet? this is a placer line. Ignore me!
me am placer! see over there--> "Kabuki" is a Noh codename, given to Ukiko Kai.
Ukiko's daddy is Ryuichi Kai, and her granddaddy is General Kai.
Ukiko's mommy is Tsukiko, who was raped by Ryuichi while engaged to the General. She's dead.
Ryuichi found out about and tried to kill Ukiko when she was 9.
Grandpa trained her to be a killer.
Then, Ukiko killed Kai, killed the Noh Board of Directors, and then killed the General.
She's crazy.
Control Corps captured her.
The Noh came to get her.
Buddha guided her on the wheel of reincarnation.
Akemi kissed her goodbye.
She escaped to create a new life.