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Deeper Shades of Lilac
Tuesday, 9 December 2003
part 2
26) Why do we drive in parkways and park in driveways? people also park along the sides of parkways and drive into driveways. so hah.

27) Why, if ass is a swear word, is it used in a Bible? Because people have warped it into meaning something different 'cause back then it was a normal word for donkey. Just like you can't say...for instance 'gay' anymore without it meaning something totally different. back in the olden days 'gay' meant happy etc. now it has many more meanings. so it's the same deal here.

28) Do ads annoy you? online yes. especially pop-ups and those fake virus ones. TV there's a mute button so I don't really care. Plus some are amusing. And it is not like I watch TV very often anyhow.

29) Where is the nearest bathroom from where you are now? three feet or so out my door, turn left and another four feet or so and voila! you're there.

30) What is the longest word you know of? if I thought about it I'd think of a better word, but supercalifragilisticexpealidocious is pretty good. pathetic i know. but i'm not feeling brainy right now, so bug off.

31) What is your favorite phrase about annoying guests? hmmm. don't really know what you are talking about. but people who follow you around for absolutely no spiffing good reason is very annoying.

32) What was your first word as a baby? well besides mommy or daddy or whatever my first word along those lines was, it was 'quack' or something like that related to ducks.

33)***Women: Do you feel sluttish today? nope. just patheticly dreamy as usual... ***Men: Do you feel pimpish today? quiz writer person you really must be in a not creative mood, eh? :D

34) True or false- you brush your teeth at least once a week. true. ew to anyone who doesn't at least do that.

35) Do you like shopping? depends on when and why. i generally like shopping for clothes though jeans are soooo annoying to shop for. and food shopping can be good or bad. i hate home depot with a passion but the furniture store can be okay if they've got big fluffy couches to sit on. and IKEA is cool. in other words it totally depends. :D

36) What are you listening to? myself typing, my two cockatiels randomly tweeting and the gate in the sideyard outside my window occasionally smashing into the fence with a bang because it's windy and stormy out.

37) Do you know your fastest GWAM (Gross Words a Minute), or the number of words per minute (4 U idiots)? um, no, 'cause I haven't tested myself in months. I know how to type though and can do it without looking at the keys and stuff. my best back when I used the program thing was 70 something words per minute though.

38) Well, do tell us what it is. uh, just told you. 70 something words per minute. mr/mrs/ms quiz writer person you are really cheap, eh? you claim this is a 1000 question quiz and then you stretch relatively pathetic questions such as this into two.

39) Are you gay/a lesbian? No.

40) How many gay/lesbian friends do you have? none.

41) You like to write in your diary. my diary, my journal thing, and both my blogs. :D

42) You have a Neopet. oh yeah! totally! more like twenty actually. wOOt for neopets. almost as bad as PPT for wasting my time. but PPT beats neopets all the way.

43) There are aliens under your bed. no. but when I was little I shoved the cassette tape and picture book of the Disney version of "A Christmas Carol" under my bed because it scared the crap out of me. heh, the evil dust bunnies live under there, for those of you who have read Catharsis.

44) You see dead people. um, thank heavens no.

45) You¡?ve seen the movie about the kid that sees dead people. i accidentally saw a bit of it on free tv. that is the kind of movie I just don't see. :D

46) Your back itches. not at the moment.

47) The thing you¡?re sitting on is a chair. well, duh, most people are sitting on a chair when they're at a computer. but my chair is not just any spiffing chair. no. it is a purple rolly desk chair that goes up and down too :D and it matches my iMac. whee.

  48) You can think of a real word that rhymes with orange. um, no, too lazy. :D

49) Any of your best friends has called you bitchy during your friendship with them. no one's said it to my face ^_^

50) There is something stuck to your booty. most certainly not. :P

Posted by comics/kingdomsakura at 4:20 PM PST
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part 2
26) Why do we drive in parkways and park in driveways? people also park along the sides of parkways and drive into driveways. so hah.

27) Why, if ass is a swear word, is it used in a Bible? Because people have warped it into meaning something different 'cause back then it was a normal word for donkey. Just like you can't say...for instance 'gay' anymore without it meaning something totally different. back in the olden days 'gay' meant happy etc. now it has many more meanings. so it's the same deal here.

28) Do ads annoy you? online yes. especially pop-ups and those fake virus ones. TV there's a mute button so I don't really care. Plus some are amusing. And it is not like I watch TV very often anyhow.

29) Where is the nearest bathroom from where you are now? three feet or so out my door, turn left and another four feet or so and voila! you're there.

30) What is the longest word you know of? if I thought about it I'd think of a better word, but supercalifragilisticexpealidocious is pretty good. pathetic i know. but i'm not feeling brainy right now, so bug off.

31) What is your favorite phrase about annoying guests? hmmm. don't really know what you are talking about. but people who follow you around for absolutely no spiffing good reason is very annoying.

32) What was your first word as a baby? well besides mommy or daddy or whatever my first word along those lines was, it was 'quack' or something like that related to ducks.

33)***Women: Do you feel sluttish today? nope. just patheticly dreamy as usual... ***Men: Do you feel pimpish today? quiz writer person you really must be in a not creative mood, eh? :D

34) True or false- you brush your teeth at least once a week. true. ew to anyone who doesn't at least do that.

35) Do you like shopping? depends on when and why. i generally like shopping for clothes though jeans are soooo annoying to shop for. and food shopping can be good or bad. i hate home depot with a passion but the furniture store can be okay if they've got big fluffy couches to sit on. and IKEA is cool. in other words it totally depends. :D

36) What are you listening to? myself typing, my two cockatiels randomly tweeting and the gate in the sideyard outside my window occasionally smashing into the fence with a bang because it's windy and stormy out.

37) Do you know your fastest GWAM (Gross Words a Minute), or the number of words per minute (4 U idiots)? um, no, 'cause I haven't tested myself in months. I know how to type though and can do it without looking at the keys and stuff. my best back when I used the program thing was 70 something words per minute though.

38) Well, do tell us what it is. uh, just told you. 70 something words per minute. mr/mrs/ms quiz writer person you are really cheap, eh? you claim this is a 1000 question quiz and then you stretch relatively pathetic questions such as this into two.

39) Are you gay/a lesbian? No.

40) How many gay/lesbian friends do you have? none.

41) You like to write in your diary. my diary, my journal thing, and both my blogs. :D

42) You have a Neopet. oh yeah! totally! more like twenty actually. wOOt for neopets. almost as bad as PPT for wasting my time. but PPT beats neopets all the way.

43) There are aliens under your bed. no. but when I was little I shoved the cassette tape and picture book of the Disney version of "A Christmas Carol" under my bed because it scared the crap out of me. heh, the evil dust bunnies live under there, for those of you who have read Catharsis.

44) You see dead people. um, thank heavens no.

45) You¡?ve seen the movie about the kid that sees dead people. i accidentally saw a bit of it on free tv. that is the kind of movie I just don't see. :D

46) Your back itches. not at the moment.

47) The thing you¡?re sitting on is a chair. well, duh, most people are sitting on a chair when they're at a computer. but my chair is not just any spiffing chair. no. it is a purple rolly desk chair that goes up and down too :D and it matches my iMac. whee.

  48) You can think of a real word that rhymes with orange. um, no, too lazy. :D

49) Any of your best friends has called you bitchy during your friendship with them. no one's said it to my face ^_^

50) There is something stuck to your booty. most certainly not. :P

Posted by comics/kingdomsakura at 4:20 PM PST
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Wednesday, 3 December 2003
part 1
Part 1 (dun, dun, dun) 1) What'?s your name? Haha. Like I'd put my real name on the internet. Like I'm that stupid. I see through your evil plot, you quiz writer you. Nay, you shall not have my true name. Thou shalt, however, calleth me Lilac.

2) How old are you? old enough to drive. vroom vroom.

3) What are two random 1-digit numbers that come to your mind? 1 and 8 'cause they make up 18. that's my lucky number.

4) How much money do you get for an allowance? no allowance, but my parents give me $ if I'm in need

5) What's your favorite TV show? I don't watch TV much. A tie between Gilmore Girls and ER, with Gilmore Girls kinda winning. (the writing in gilmore girls is better but ER is just special to watch. haheha.)

6) How many times have you moved in your lifetime? never. i mean none.

7) What's your favorite store? Eh, I don't really have a favorite store. I actually really like whole foods market 'cause they sell the chocolate that I loooove. (dark and white swirled. mmmm) Express jeans are cool, and the Limited has nice pants that don't show my butt to the world, which is always nice. But I don't care too much the store in particular, it is the items they have that matter.

8)Which is more important- life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness? uh, life. 'cause w/out the other two you've still got something, w/out life you ain't got nothin

9) Do you know of a middle school with the initials PMS? not off the top of my head but I'm sure one exists...

10) How many pets do you have? two cockatiels (Big Bird and Smiley), three cats (Sapphire, Juniper, and Olive), two parakeets (Sugar and Misty), a budgie (Kiwi), a pekin robin (Lucy), and a ton of fish. But only the cockatiels are really mine. that'd be a grand total of 9 + the fish, by the way.

11) How many boyfriends or girlfriends have you ever had? none.

12) What state comes to mind when you hear the word "choo choo"? choo boogie! well choo choo choo boogie makes me think of Chattanooga Choo Choo and Chattanooga is in tenessee, so Tennessee

13) How was your day today? okay. dorkier than usual, but I didn't have math class...

14) How many people do you know that had their house catch on fire? one.

15) How much time do you spend on the Internet a week? maaaaany hours. i have no clue just how many. at least 10.

16) What do you consider the chances of finding $20 on the side of the road? pretty rotten, specially since I'm not trundling along on the side of the road all too often.

17) What do you consider the chances of returning $20 found on the side of the road? pretty poor, since if it was on the side of the road you'd have no clue as to who it might belong to. unless there was an unconcious dude in the bushes nearby and it was his dollar. but then I'd just drop the money and run, 'cause the unconcious dude would totally freak me out. unless it was someone I knew. that'd be a whole other story. but I digress. anyhow, the chances would be poor. and if I was in a really weird mood and had no brain it might be kinda fun to toss the twenty back into the street. *mental note to self: do not eat cookies before answering questions, 'specially ones that can be interpreted in multiple ways*

18) Does this survey interest you? no, not really. sorry to be so blunt, but i don't really care since you mr/ms/mrs quiz writer are certainly not going to read this. *innocent grin*

19) How many times have you gone to the bathroom today? no clue. 3? or maybe 4. don't really care.

20) Time to take a break. What are you going to do after this survey? a heck of a lot of math homework and take a shower.

21) Why are you trying to complete this survey? because I don't want to do the aforementioned math homework...

22) How many movies have you seen within the last week? uh. one. Moulin Rouge. :D

23) What about the last month? total movies? like seen them all the way through? a lot, actually, if we're talking november. maybe 6? probably more.

24) What did you eat for lunch today? chinese chicken salad, yummy raspberry hansens soda that I spilled all over the MPR floor and thoroughly embarrassed myself at the NHS meeting, salami, crackers, goldfish (though I ate most of them during history 'cause it isn't like mrs. haugen notices...)

25) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? um, we're only on question 25 and this is the best you can do. really, mr/ms/mrs quiz writer person, i thought you could do better than that. I think I shall send you to the PPT forums. they'll cure you of asking questions THIS stupid. but just to humour you, if a woodchuck could, in some bizarre universe, chuck wood (whatever that means...), the precise amount of wood would probably be immeasurable outside of a laboratory, that is if you want an EXACT answer. But an approximation would have to be calculated using the following formula WCv+Cr/SSwcXpW and then calculating the molar mass. because of course, molar mass is the real answer to everything. So to make this a fair question, you really ought to provide the molar mass for unchucked wood and chucked wood as well as some more information. in other words, i choose answer letter (D) not enough information given.

well end of part one. aren't you glad? like i said, be afraid.

Posted by comics/kingdomsakura at 9:10 PM PST
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well, i'm a loser and i really don't want to do my math hw
Soooo, lucky you. You get to read the results of the quiz thang Kaitlin's been taking, 'cause I want to procrastinate. That's right. *dances around* be afraid. ^_^ (this is what happens when no one posts on Kingdom Sakura at PPT and so I have nothing to waste time on...)

Posted by comics/kingdomsakura at 8:45 PM PST
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Friday, 28 November 2003
tried to post and it deleted it. guess it is my lucky day.

Posted by comics/kingdomsakura at 12:51 PM PST
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